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It's been a couple days since me and Casey got into. I've been in bed all day and I never planned leaving it. It's christmas break, so I'm not worried about work.

I still can't believe that bitch cheated on me and got pregnant. She told that nigga she didn't give a damn about me. Her fucking wife! I've spent half of my life with her. I gave her shitloads of money, I treated her like a queen, I never cheated and damn sure didn't get pregnant.

I wanted everything with her. We had goals together, a future. But she threw that all away for an old friend of mine, a guy at that.

"She's a hoe and will always be a hoe," I slurred. Yes I was pissed drunk. Hair all fucked up, clothes all janky, life just hit me with a fucking bat and I couldn't handle it. I used to be an alcoholic and lowkey it was coming back. I didn't need it to, but I can't helo but drink away my problems. My alcohol was the only thing that was my friend.

I was laying down half ass asleep when someone decided to knock on my front door.


I got out of bed. Lazily I slipped my socks on and rubbed my head. Hangovers are bitches and because I didn't remember to go the store and refill my stock of tylenol, I couldn't make it go away. I'll just drink water or something later.

I walked through the living room and they knocked again, "I'm coming shit," I yelled. It's to early in the morning for the noise. I hate that.

I angrily swung the door open. Two pairs of eyes roaming my body. A teenage girl and a young boy. Why were they here?

"I'm sorry who are you?"

"I'm Macey and this is my little brother Maverick," She replied softly.

The little boy looked so cute and honestly so did his older sister. But I'd never fuck with her. I'm a teacher and she's old enough to be one of my students, fuck catching cases and up to 20 years. Let's not forget I don't fuck with studs. Tomboys in her case.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked. It may have came off as rude but fuck it. I don't know why they're here, neither do I know why their mother is letting them walk around the city.

Macey pulled out a piece of paper holding it out for me to grab it. I was hesitant at first simply because I didn't know what was in the paper.

"Shit," I mumbled.


It was an awkward and uncomfortable silence. Both Macey and Maverick were sitting on the couch. The young boy was lost in his own world amazed at the house was looking. A nice interior design. But I think he was more intrigued with the big plasma screen tv that was hanging on the wall and the PS4 that was sitting on the banister of the fireplace.

"So you are my mother's great niece?"

"Yes.." She said.

"And you are here to claim this house..?"

"Yes, My grandma died about a week ago and she left this house in her will for me and my brother."

She passed away? I never met her but my mom always told me stories about her. I'm not my mom's actual daughter. She married my dad after my mom left us. You would think it would be the other way around, but no. My dad ended up lassing away, so my mom adopted me. She passed and her will said I owned this house. So how does she own it too?

"Give me a minute," I said going into the kitchen. I still felt bad from earlier. I drunk some water and went to fetch my phone.

"Here," I said turning on the tv. I put it on Paw Patrol and he sat quietly with his eyes glued to the screen. It must be his favorite show.

I caught Macey smiling at him, God does she have a beautiful smile.

Don't think about that Nubia

I shook the thoughts from my head. I shouldn't be thinking of her like that. Whatever it is, it will never happen. Her being my step cousin adds on to the list of reasons why I would never try to get with her.

I dialed up someone to clarify the situation we were in.

"Say man what's up?"

"Oh nothing, what can I do for you Mrs. Crawford?"

"So there is this young girl here named Ma-"

"No!" Macey suddenly yelled. The look I gave her could kill. "Don't say my name," She pleaded.

I nodded not understanding why, "I'll explain later," She whispered.

"Well the girl, who is my step cousin, is here in St. Louis at my residence that was also left in her name. I'm calling you because the house was left in my name and did not once mention her also obtaining the house."

"Ok give me a second," He said.

"So bad news, well for you anyway." I didn't like the sound of that. What bad news could he possibly have for me.

"Your mother wasn't the primary house owner once your grandfather had passed. In his will he specifically stated My eldest daughter Rosie Mae is to be named owner of the house if she passes it will be passed through her bloodline. No where in here has it stated that your mother was to obtain the house."

This shit isn't happening. I've been living here since I graduated college. How the fuck am I not the owner? I've been paying the bills, not her!

"W-Wait," I scowled, "What the fuck are you trying to tell me Josh?!"

"Ma'am I'm sorry but your step cousin is the real owner of the house. She also subjected to Rosie Mae's five million dollar inheritance from her father's business."

"What?! No that's my money it's in my account! My mother put in her will that the inheritance belonged to me!" I was beyond pissed right now. My mother stated in her will, signed by witnesses and multiple people in the family, that the house belonged to me and that the inheritance was mine as well. How do you go back on shit like that?

"Mrs. Crawford the house is no longer in your name Im sorry. If you have spent any of the inheritance you are subjected to pay it back until the five million is fully recovered and is paid to your step cousin. Must I mention that you aren't really your mother's daughter?"

How dare he?

"Fuck you!" I hung up the phone. Macey and Maverick were starring at me. How is this little bitch going to pop up and take everything that I have?

No it's not happening I refuse.
Excuse any mistakes.

So from this point on I think I'm going to try writing in an omniscient point of view. I find myself writing better that way.

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