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2 Months Earlier

"Macey get your ass in here!" My mother yelled at me. I just walked in the fucking door and she raising her voice at me, and for what?

"What?" I asked calmy. By now I'm used to her reacting by slapping, cursing, punching, or whatever. So it phases me none that she continues to do it.

"Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to me girl! Where the fuck have you been?" She got closer to me and I confidently stood bold in front of her.

"Out," I smirked then turned around. She grabbed me by my hair and yanked me down.

"Let me the fuck go!" I fought back and she pulled even harder.

I caught my balance and pushed her and she let go as she fell down onto the floor with a loud thud.

"James!" She called. Shit. I panicked.

I ran upstairs and came face to face with a frightened Maverick. He looked about ready to cry, so I grabbed him and pushed him into my room. I locked the door and told him to open the window. I heard james coming up the stairs and I felt like I was running out of time.

"Macey it's open!" He yelled gesturing me to come near him. I grabbed my back pack and told him to jump out.

The house wasn't to big, yes we do have an upstairs, but it wasn't big to where you could hurt yourself jumping down. Besides, there is a trampoline down there.

I seen him jump out and I heard a thud. Fuck man! I hope didn't hurt himself.

"Sissy I'm ok!" He assured me and waved.

"Open the fucking door Macey!" James yelled as the door violently shook. He was a strong man, so I'm sure any second the door would come down.

You don't understand James has laid his hands on me multiple times. Yes I'm scared of him because he's strong as shit. I stand no chance against him, and I most definitely don't want Mavey to see him hurt me, but it also teaches him to run... I'm NOT for that.

I climbed over the rail and jumped safely onto the trampoline. I bounced a few times before rushing to get off of it. I landed on both of my feet and me and Mavey took off.

We ran until we got tired and we couldn't feel our legs anymore.

"Ma..cey.." Maverick wheezed. He held his chest. "Fuck, Mavey where is your inhaler?" I quickly went rummaging through my bag.

I found it.

I always kept a spare at times like these. His asthma is very bad and times like these I could lose him if I don't keep his back-up inhaler.

I handed it to him and he took his two puffs and went back to breathing regularly. Whew

I got my phone out as we walked. It was almost night and I didn't wanna go back home. Most likely something will happen.

I dialed the number I was looking for.

3 rings later a deep "Hello," blows through the phone.

"Babe!" I said frantically. "Christy?" She responded back.

I know she did not.

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