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It's our last day and I've been crying all morning. They take her and I don't see her for another week. I really can't believe they're doing this to me. I'm still shook from Nubia ratting on me. All I wanted was a family. Was that to much? What did I do to deserve this?

The hospital door opened and in came Renee, one of the sisters whose name was Valerie, and the nurse I was talking to the whole time I was here. Her name is Cyan.

A smile was planted on Renee's face but Valerie looked butt hurt about something. I don't care what. She should honestly see the wrong her mother is doing.

Maybe she's the nice sister.

"The baby is coming home," Renee cheered. Valerie stood in the corner while Cyan was dressing Empriss.

I've grown a small liking to the name Empriss. It's cute don't get me wrong but I still wanted to name her Kaelee.

Cyan handed me the baby but Renee quickly walked to my bed side causing me to give her a confused as look.

"Back yo ass up.." I said.

"Watch your mouth,"

"I ain't got to watch shit." I spat back. She sighed in annoyance. She backed away a little bit and stared at me as I picked up the baby.

"Hey mama's baby.." I smiled. She made the cutest baby noise. I played with her and she was smiling the whole time.

"It's time to go.." She came over to me and reached for the baby, "No you said at two o'clock you were taking her it's 1:55," I said. I'm deadass serious. I'm spending every minute down to every second with my daughter, fuck her.

"Five minut-"

"Mom.." Valerie spoke up.

"Yes dear?" She turned to face her.

Valerie looked as if she was choking on her words, "You...." she started.

"I what?"

Valerie sighed, "You shouldn't do this..." She said softly.

Her mom looked stunned. Even me and Cyan did. This is how she truly felt?

"I'm doing it-"

"Mom you know it's not right!" She yelled. "You can't force Empriss to stay away from her mother... that is wrong and you know it!" She said.

"I don't care what you, her, or anyone has to say. We've already agreed on this Val-"

"Momma how would you feel if your father's family forced your mother to stay away from you? Two days AFTER being born?" She asked.

Her mom was silenced, "don't you dare speak on my parents young lady. You know nothing-"

"I know everything mom! I went along with this but you are making her pay for something she couldn't control... Ricky Raped her!" Valerie yelled.

I looked down while Cyan comforted me. Tears brimmed my eyes just thinking about it again.

"Shut up.." Renee threatened.

"Ricky raped her mother and you should understand she had a damn choice to either keep the baby or abort her! And look what she did..." She gestured towards the baby. I looked at her and she stared me into my eyes.

"Momma she is hurt... you're taking away everything she has. All she wanted was to have her baby and her brother in peace. It's not her fault Ricky is a low down piece of shit. God forgive me for speaking low on my brother but you know he is wrong and you can't say that he is not..."

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