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It was almost nine when me and Kay had finished setting up little Kaelee's room. It was so adorable. The theme was was bumble-bee. Kaylee's favorite color was always yellow. The walls we're painted yellow and grey stripes with black lettering of her name "KAELEE LA'REIGN" with a bumble-bee wall sticker next to her name. It was absolutely cute.

We set up her crib and her baby monitor. It had a camera and a speaker so we could always hear and see her.

I had got out the shower and walked over
to my dresser to look at the baby monitor.
Kaylee was rocking the baby then after a
couple minutes of what seemed like she was talking, she put her down in the
crib and kissed her forehead. My heart
warmed. I'm beyond happy she's home.

She walked into our room.

"Baby I'm going to shower." Kaylee said. I
hummed and stretched out on the bed. I
listened to her sing sweetly in the shower. I
missed her. I got that warm feeling in my
chest again. It had been so long since I felt
full. I truly love her. She came out the
bathroom dripping in water. Her towel
wrapped around her. I watched the water
cascade down her pretty brown skin. I
instantly felt the heat and wetness form
between my legs.

"I missed you" I said. She smiled.

"I missed you too baby" she said walked to
the closet.

"No...l really missed you Daddy" I added.
She turned around, that smirk played
across her face. I bit my lip. She walked
over to me. I instantly spread my legs
making her access to me easier. She got
between my legs and her lips were on
mine. It was slow and loving at first but I
decided to deepened it. She moaned and
let me in. I tasted every bit of her mouth. I
missed that taste. She went to my neck
and bit my collar bone. I moaned in
pleasure. Her skilled tongue swirled
around and she started sucking. I knew
she would leave a hickey. It had been so
long since she touched me. Nobody did it
like she did. She took me to heights
unimaginable. She kissed down my belly
and took off the oversized tee shirt I had
put on.

"Tell me you love me" she said. She bit my
stomach and I moaned.

"I love you" I said. She ran her hand along
the top of my boxer liner. She teased me.
She ran her tongue along the top my
stomach and down.

"Daddy stop playing" I whined. She put my
left nipple in her mouth and sucked
causing me to cradle her head. She nipped
and I jumped. It was a mixture of pleasure
and pain.

"Beg" She said. I whimpered and thrusted
up I wanted her to stop playing with me.

"Daddy don't tease" I said. She smiled and
started at my neck again. The throbbing
increased and it earned a whimper. She
left butterfly kisses down my stomach.
When she got above my p*ssy she buried
her tongue inside me. I damn near
screamed. She twirled, flicked and sucked
my cl't like it was the only thing keeping
her alive. She moaned at my taste and
slipped into my entrance. I grabbed the
back of her head.

"Kay yes baby" I moaned. She switched
and did something different making me
jump and pulled her hair. She slipped two
fingers in me. I was in paradise. She curved them hitting my g-spot. I screamed. She always brought out my inner bitch. I hate that.

"Fuck daddy!! Right there" I screamed. The heat in my core started. It started to spread like wild fire. She got my cl't back in her mouth and abused it. I started shaking.

"Kay Daddy it's coming! Fuck I'm about to-"I cried just about. She was the only one who could take me to these heights.

"Cum for me baby" She said and kissed my neck and lips. I tasted myself on her lips.

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