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"I'm aborting it." I said cutting her off.

No... I refuse to carry Ricky's kid. It's a fucked up decision, but I don't care right now. I mean yea having a baby was always a dream of mine. Why? Because when you carry a child you create a bond. It's more than physical. When it's born, the love is unconditional and the bond is unbreakable. It's the best moment ever to know that someone will love you no matter what. They'll love you despite the things you've ever been through or done.

I do wish I can have those moments, but I technically have a kid, Mavey. I'm raising him, and I don't have a home nor money for a baby if I can barely keep myself in good shape.

So I'm getting an abortion. Point, blank, period.


"Are you so sure that you want to do that?" I asked.

I could understand why she wants to do it. If I was in her shoes then I would probably be quick to make that decision too. I couldn't imagine carrying my rapist's child.

"I'm positive..." She whispered hanging her head low.

It's sad that she has to make this decision. She always wanted a baby, but her age, financial state, emotional and mental state isn't prepared to raise a child. In better terms she'd be a child having a child. I don't want that for her, but I also don't want her to grow older and regret what she chose. I know it has to be one of the worst feelings a woman could ever have.

"Baby girl you don't have to do it. I can help and raise it with you. I already work, and it's enough room in the house-"

"I'm aborting it Kaylee! I'm not having Ricky's baby!" She yelled making me flinch at the sound of her voice.

"Ricky?" I asked cluelessly. "I thought his name was Wayne?" I looked at her now glossy eyes.

"It is..." She spoke softly, "His name is Ricky-"

"Ricky?!" I repeated. "How the fuck do you know Ricky?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"How do you know-"

"No! Macey we not finna do reverse shit, tell me how the hell you know Ricky?" I yelled at her as she jumped. Her lip quivered and she held the blanket to her face.

I felt bad now for yelling at her, but you have to understand there's no way she could know Ricky. She isn't the type of person to prostitute herself. She would never go below her morals and values as a person. If Ricky did do this on God I'm killing him, regardless of him being an oldfriend or business partner.

Macey pulled the covers off her face revealing her puffy red eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She's afraid to speak. She shouldn't be, but I think I'm coming off a little to strong.

"I'm sorry for yelling baby, but I just need to know how you know Ricky," I said.

"I-I... I needed money one day to get food for me a Maverick." She shed a tear.

I looked in the cabinet for some food because Mavericak was hungry, it was completely empty.

I rolled my eyes and slammed the cabinet shut. I looked every where else and had no luck of finding any type of food. Fuck...

I jogged upstairs to my room and seen Maverick on my bed sleeping peacefully. When he wakes up he's gonna be hungry. Well without food he'll starve, obviously. I don't want him to know what starving feels like. If there wasn't enough food I'd share most of mine with him.

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