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As the family landed back in in Houston Macey was eager to get back to Maverick. They made it home within two hours.

Macey was very depressed that Maverick wasn't with her. She couldn't fathom what he's been thinking about her.

He probably thinks Macey abandoned him.

She didn't want to go into much thought about it. She needed to go to the store, so she went to the nearest corner store.

Macey drove up and went straight to the line being formed at the register. She heard a ding so she landed her attention to her phone just as maverick and Kiara entered the store. Sadly they didn't notice her being she had a hoodie on her head an she was looking down. and she isn't very much pregnant.

Both Kiara and Maverick stood in line right behind Macey. Maverick didn't say a word but immediately took off towards the back to get candy. "Mav- ugh where are going?" Kiara followed him.

Macey thought she felt something and turned around just as another heavy set man walked up behind her blocking her view from seeing either Maverick or Kiara. Macey finally made it to the front of the line, "30 on 5 please.." She said softly.

As Kiara and Maverick got into the car, Kiara noticed she lost an earring.

"Shit.." She mumbled as she felt around for it. Her immediate reaction was to open the door and look for it.

And she did.... "Where the hell is my earring...." Kiara mumbled. She looked on the ground and around the bottom of her seat. Its a big hoop earring no one can miss it.

Macey had finished pumping gas just as she heard-"Maverick have you seen my earring?"

With nothing but an inch of hope Macey looked up and her eyes landed on her precious little brother who she thought she wouldn't see again for a long time.

"Maverick.." She whispered dropping everything. "Maverick!" Macey yelled out once more. Her eyes began to swell as tears filled them. Nothing but joy and relief ran across her mind as she ran towards Kiara's car.

"Oh my god.." Kiara covered her mouth.

"Macey!!!" Maverick yelled back joyously.

He began to take off his seatbelt with Kiara acting quickly to open his side of the door. She pulled him out as soon as Macey reached their side of the car.

Macey fell to her knees thanking no one other than God himself and Kiara.

"Oh my god!" She sobbed. "Mavey baby I am so sorry okay?" She pulled his head back amd began to litter his face with kisses on top of kisses.

She had him in his arms and would not let go for anything.

"Oh thank you God, thank you God.." She cried.

She played in his soft beautiful brown hair.

Kiara was smiling as wide as the sun's horizon that was beginning to takeover the sky.

Macey cried so hard while still holding on to Maverick.

"I am so sorry this happened... I was bringing him here once I found out the situation." Kiara said.

"B-But how did you even know where he was? How did you find us? Him?" Macey was baffled still. She would rather spend her time being thankful that he was back home.

"Let's just say Nu-"

"Dont..." Macey cut her off.

Kiara smashed her lips together with silence to follow as she bowed her head.

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