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It's been a couple of hours since I got sentenced to death. Am I scared? No. Do I deserve it? No, but because of all that I did it's the result of my actions. What more can I do about it? Absolutely nothing. I know Maycee is crying uncontrollably and Maverick is lost at what's going on? He probably doesn't know that I'm going to die in about two weeks.

What if he hates me?...

Two weeks man...

I wanted to live to see Me and Macey together, married, having some beautiful ass children, and Maverick with us as well. He's like a brother slash son to me. Now I got two weeks before I'm put the death and I can't even spend it with them telling them both how much I love them.

That judge sucked ass, but I guess it's best to put a "dangerous" nigga behind bars, better yet, put to death.

"Kaylee Williams?" My thoughts were interrupted. I was in a room. Not sure why, but I'm hoping this person can tell me why. It was a lady dressed nicely in a dark blue pencil skirt and blazer, with a white button up and black heels. Blonde hair blue eyed beauty.

"Yes?" I asked eyeing her up and down. Her hair was pulled into a slick low bun, "I'm Heather Bowen, nice to meet you." She smiled intently. It creeped me out. She held out her hand wanting to shake mine. I swear her name and face looked familiar, I just couldn't figure out who she was.

I starred at her hand and back at her with an eyebrow raised. She withdrew her hand and pulled her chair out taking a seat. She happily opened her brief case and slapped a paper down, unrolling it. It looked like a blueprint of a really big place.

"Why are you here, what is this, and how the fuck am I involved in it?" I asked giving her the death glare.

I honestly don't know this person. This blueprint she has is for what? How did she even get in?

She stood up and walked over the door pressing these two buttons.

I know one is for the window cause you can control who sees from the otherside of it. I'm not quite sure what the other was for.

She let her hair down and untucked her white button up and loosened the first three buttons. She ruffled up her hair a bit and took off her glasses. Did I mention she had on glasses?

"Heather?" I asked wide eyed. I never thought I'd see her here. This is what she decided to be?

"Hey boss," She smiled innocently.

"Don't call me that, I told you." I chuckled, "Why are you here... h-how did you even get in?" I asked baffled.

Heather worked for me when I was working with Ricky. She was one the main reasons my money was steady coming in. She would get everything done right and please my clients with the highest satisfaction. She was doing it because she needed to pay for her mother to be buried properly, she was killed by the person who kidnapped her sister. Her father? Well he comitted suicide shortly, after her mom died, in front of her. It's a sad story to hear, let alone, witness. She didn't really have any other family, but her little sister named Heaven, who was kidnapped and never found. Heather still searches till this day, but never did have any luck on finding her. I felt bad and of course I had to help her. She was a sweet person and was beautiful before the drugs settled in, but by how she looks now she must have gotten clean.

I helped her get an apartment, pay for her education at a local community college, and pay for her parents funeral. She told me she would stop prostituting, finish school, and get a nice job. She promised me she would pay me back, but I never insisted on making sure she did. I just wanted her to make something of herself, and from my current situation it looked like she did.

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