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The next day dawned over Macey. She woke up next to Mavey sleeping like a baby. Maverick wasn't a wild sleeper. He slept peacefully and would stay in one spot for hours.

Macey sluggishly got out of bed wobbling towards the restroom.

To start of the morning, Macey was slumped over the toilet for five minutes puking out her insides. Morning sickness is something she wasn't used too. She would love to go to the doctor but with her current position she couldn't risk being caught and having to go back home.

She finally stood up and wiped her mouth. "Ugh.." She groaned out in disgust. She brushed her teeth and did the rest of her hygiene. She showered last night so she didn't have to take one at the moment.

She got dressed and left Mavey to sleep in the bed. Once she reached downstairs, she found the stud cooking.

 "Good morning," Macey smiled. The stud smiled back, "Morning," She began, "You know, I don't believe you know my name." She said.

Macey didn't realize she never got to know her name. She was to busy contemplating last night wether she should kick her out or let her stay. Besides all of that Macey lowkey found this girl very attractive. She was positive whatever her name was matched her fine ass.

"My name is Nubia," She said.

Nubia... Nubia for the Nubian Queen she looks like...

She's so beautiful but Macey convinced herself nothing would go down between them. They're step-cousins and she's like a decade older. Macey chuckled to herself at what she thought.

"What's funny?" Nubia asked. Macey forgot she was in the room.

"Oh, nothing." Macey responded sitting down at the table. The pancake that Nubia was cooking made her mouth water and her stomach grumbled knowing she had to feed two.

Nubia came over and sat the plate of pancakes in front of Macey. She took no time towards devouring them down.

"Damn girl," Nubia said staring at Macey is disbelief. "Did you starve before you came here?"

Another thing... Macey didn't tell Nubia she was 3 months pregnant. She has a little pudged belly but Nubia never thought that it was because of her expecting, just fat and Macey wanted it to stay that way.

"I'm sorry," Macey said putting her fork down. Nubia thought it was cute. She obviously loved food and Nubia hit the jackpot with her.

"It's ok, but what grade is Maverick in?" Nubia asked.

"I don't know. He was never put in school and I got pulled out once my mom found out one of my teachers threatened to called CPS." Macey said looking away. Nubia would hate to see Maverick and Macey go no where in life because of their selfish ass mother. They needed to have the proper education so they could deserve to go to college ad become something of themselves. Sadly Macey never thought she would.

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