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"It's a girl! Are you serious?" I was beyond happy at this moment. I wanted a girl this whole time and now I'm finally having one.

"Yes baby.." Nubia kissed my cheek. "Congratulations beautiful."

Tears brimmed my eyes. Maverick was enjoying his breakfast to much to pay attention.

"Mavey?" I called. "You're having a niece.."

He jumped from his chair and run over to me. "Weally?!" He squealed. "Yes really.." I laughed.

He did this little funky dance and God knows what it was. Me and Nubia laughed up a storm just watching him. He finally got tired and sat down to finish his breakfast.

"Now that's out the way me and Macey have the rest of the day planned out for you. Now eat up so we can get ready to go." She smiled.

I'm really blessed right now. Thank you God. Nubia is treating me better than anyone I've ever had in my life and it's only been about 3 months now. It's crazy.

We finished eating. I seen I had more gifts and I lowkey wanted to open them. I couldn't stand them just sitting there. "Umm.."

"Hmm?" Nubia looked at me.

"Uhh- those gifts.."

"Yea what about?" She asked. I wanted to straight face her. The hell you mean what about? I want to open them.

"Can I open them?" I asked.

"No... you can open them later after we come home."

I pouted. I really want to see what's in them. 

"Oooh- let's go your appointment is sneaking up on us."

"What app-"

"Baby... let's go and you'll find out. I don't want to ruin any surprises."

I threw my hands up and she helped me get up.

She cleaned up then joined me and Maverick in the car.

"You ready?" I nodded giving her a smile.


8:04 pm

"You had fun today?"

I was exhausted but today was one the best birthdays ever. "Are you kidding me? Today was freaking amazing..."

After we had left the house she took us to a massage place, then we all went to ITZ... at ITZ we watched movies, played games, bowled, went go kart racing, bumper cars... it was so much in one place.  Then we all went indoor ice skating, then out to a lovely Italian restaurant.

I am beyond tired. Maverick is in the back seat sleeping. I was almost asleep, "How did you enjoy today my love?"

I smiled, "I loved it... you don't know how I feel right now. I've never had a whole day dedicated to myself... Where someone actually cared about my birthday besides Maverick..." I chuckled.

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now