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It's been about a day or two and Kaylee has bought us airline tickets so we can go and get Maverick. I really miss him and it's hard not having him around.

"Baby you ready?" I hear Kaylee yell from downstairs.

"Yea babe!" I zip up my bag and I I make sure Kaelee's bag has everything in it.

"Okay I'm going to put Leelee in the car!" She yelled. I walked downstairs and made sure everything was turned off until we get back.

I walked out the door locking it behind me. We were using Kaylee's old car. We down there to whoever possessed it and got it back. Well I had to at least, they would've had a heart attack knowing Kaylee as out of jail.

I put our bags in the backseat and got in. The baby was sleeping so the ride to the airport and since the baby is only a month old we made sure to contact a few airlines to make sure she could fly.

We got to the airport and soon after the process, we got onto our plane.

The plane ride wasn't bad. kaelee woke up twice but she didn't cry as much just a little but I was able to keep her crying from people complaining. We landed in St. louis and began getting off the plane. I felt all types of negative vibes. I hated it here now.

All of us got our bags and got a rental car. We didn't plan on being here for more then a day. We're going straight to get him then come back. I don't want anything popping off and hopefully Kaylee doesn't kill the bushy eyebrowed bitch.

I directed towards the house and within 20 minutes we arrived. She got out and I started getting out myself. "baby what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm going in- no it's dangerous." She butted me.

"Umm how is it dangerous?"

"It's going to get dangerous. I don't want you in there." She said closing her door.

"Well I have a few things to say to her plus I need to make sure we get Maverick.

"...alright come on." She started walking up the stairs.

I got the baby out, "oh and get my bag please?" Kaylee asked. I did as told and closed the car door.

"Damn baby what did you bring?" She smirked at what I asked although she never answered.

I handed her bag and before Kaylee could even open the door a girl with no pants on came outside holding her shoes and what not. He hair was all fucked up and clearly she was a 2 cent hoe. "All this bullshit.." she scoffed.

She left the door wide open so we took it upon our self to walk right in. Kaylee closed and locked the door behind me and I went and sat my ass right on the couch.

"Ayo Nubia!" Kaylee yelled out. I'm surprised the baby only flinched. I remembered the downstairs bedroom so I quickly took the baby in the room laying her down and closing the door so she wouldn't wake from what's about to transpire.

"Who the fuck Is in my h-" I didn't hear her say anything.

I slowly emerged from the hallway and she froze.

"M-Macey what are you doing here?" She asked.

"To get Maveri- To beat yo ass then get Maverick." Kaylee said stepping towards her. Nubia stepped back and hit her back into the wall. "I'm Kaylee." She got in her face and sized her up. "I heard about all the shit you did.. and I'm sure you heard about me." She sounded so sexy. I liked seeing Kaylee's dark side.

I mean not the cheating side, the killing side, the prostituting girls side, and the previously having worked with my rapist side... but her dark side.

I really just said all of that.

"L-Look Macey I'm sorry okay? I never meant to do what I did."

"But you're lying... You used everything I've every told you about against me... You had my baby taken away from me, not to mention I'm sure you've been holding Maverick hostage.. Maverick!" I yelled for him.

"Mac- Fuck you! Don't say my name bitch." I ran upstairs into Mavi's room and opened it, "Mavi I'm here!" I looked around but the room was empty. Why isn't he in his room? I looked around the top floor. I wanted to panic because I couldn't find him. I trotted down the stairs.

Kaylee managed to tie her up while I was up there. "Bitch what did you to Maverick?" I got in her face. She didn't say anything. I heard a gun cock, "Speak bitch." Kaylee pressed it to her temple. "W-Wait wait! He's not here.."

"I swear to go if you did something to him Nubia, I'll record putting a bullet in your head and send it to that hoe ass Ex wife of yours. You still plan on having that family with her right?" I threatened.

She bit her lip as a tear fell. Kaylee started laughing for some reason, "Yo you really a bitch son," She snickered.

"Kiara took him and said she would bring him to you. She left yesterday but this morning she posted about being in wherever the fuck you're from."

My heart dropped. She could do anything to him.. or maybe she is actually bringing him back but she doesn't even know where I stay.

"baby we have to get back, Maverick doesn't know about the house and he'll end up telling her to take him to my mom." I ran into the back room and go the baby. I walked out and there goes Kaylee beating the fuck out of Nubia.

"damn I really wanted to use what was in my bag. I brought all types of shit for a lil torture session." She shook her head spitting at Nubia.

I wish somebody would spit on me. Bitch it's over.

Kaylee walked out the house thinking I was following her.

Nubia was looking really rough. She was hyperventilating too. "Look at what you've done Nubia." I whispered. The baby woke up cooing softly. I rubbed her hair rocking her slightly, "You ruined the good things we both could've had all or some money." I scoffed. "I hope burn in hell..."

I started walking out. "oh and while you're sitting there I hope you can think of somewhere to stay. I sold the house and people will be here to inspect it and hopefully untie you." I smiled leaving out the door.


I've been in Houston wondering where I could find Macey, but I had no luck. I decided to just stay in town for a bit and do some looking and digging around and hopefully find where she is. We're staying in a hotel and I need to get some stuff for him. I left my son with my mom though. I didn't want him to come along.

All day has been very stressful and right now he wants to go to the store so I'm taking him to walmrt but I need to get gas.

As the family landed back in in Houston Macey was eager to get back to Maverick. They made it home within two hours.

Macey was very depressed that Maverick wasn't with her. She couldn't fathom what he's been thinking about her.

He probably thinks Macey abandoned him.

She didn't want to go into much thought about it. She needed to go to the store, so she went to the nearest corner store.

Macey drove up and went straight to the line being formed at the register. She heard a ding so she landed her attention to her phone just as maverick and Kiara entered the store. Sadly they didn't notice her being she had a hoodie on her head an she was looking down. and she isn't very much pregnant.

Both Kiara and Maverick stood in line right behind Macey. Maverick didn't say a word but immediately took off towards the back to get candy. "Mav- ugh where are going?" Kiara followed him.

Macey thought she felt something and turned around just as another heavy set man walked up behind her blocking her view from seeing either
Maverick or Kiara. Macey finally made it to the front of the line, "30 on 5 please.." She said softly.

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