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It's been an hour since we got home and Macey has been hot. She actually went up to Maverick's room and whooped him. Never have I know for Macey to be so... Disciplinary in such way. Her being pregnant made her develop a mother's mentality. Not only because of that but already taking on her mother's duties by caring for Maverick. I feel for her but she's doing a great job in my book.

"Get your ass up and clean up your office!"

I didn't mention she been yelling at me for everything.

"Chill Macey, damn." I got up off the couch and eyed her.

"I'all knock them bitches out yo damn head! Roll em' again I dare you!" She yelled.

I scoffed. Even though I still find her sexy she's starting to piss me off. Why are you mad at me I didn't whip out my  fake ass weenie towards some chick.

"You need to go somewhere with all that damn yelling,"

"Really where?" She pretended to look around the house.

"Man..." I groaned. "Get the fuck out my face," I said walking past her.

"You catching attitudes more than Syria catching bombs,"

"Cause you in my damn house yelling and shit! You barely been here for no more than a damn month and you act like I'm a guest in this house," I was now facing her.

She laughed. Fuck is funny?

"Wait wait wait, first off sweetie-"

"Don't call me that.."

She cleared her threat, "First off Sweetieee-" She exaggerated. "The last time me and your lawyer checked, I'm the sole owner of this damn house. I can YELL in MY house anytime I want to. You don't like it leave... plain and fucking simple but as long as you here you keeping this damn house clean. I swear I feel like a damn housewife..."

I'll pipe you and make you a damn housewife...

"Look, just don't be fucking yelling at m-"

"Well clean up after yourself and I wouldn't have too, damn!"

I couldn't take her fucking voice anymore.

I crashed my lips onto hers. I couldn't stand her talking but I couldn't hold what I wanted to do to her. I roughly grabbed both sides of her face to keep her from pulling back but surprisingly she kissed me back.

I deepened the kiss licking her bottom lip. She gave me access and I wouldn't dare not take it. She gasped when she felt me grab her ass.

"Mmph," She Moaned into my mouth. God I wanted to take her right here. I crave getting underneath her clothes to kiss and feel all over her beautiful body. She's pregnant but that makes it better. Hormones can be bitches or your right hand man in moments like these.

"I want you Macey," I said unlatching myself from her lips. I kissed down her neck nipping at her skin. I was definitely marking my territory. She moaned my name lowly and it sound so fucking sexy.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as she relaxed more into me.

She actually wants this...

She's not freaking out...

I picked her up and softly placed her on the couch. She laid back starring into my eyes. Lust filled them. She wants this.

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now