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"Kaylee..." I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming. She's dead! How the fuck is she standing right here?!

"M-Macey.. Macey is that you..?" She asked softly. She walked towards me but I backed away. This isn't real.

I began to pinch myself. "Wake up...Wake up...Ouch!-"

"Macey!" She was now in front of me. My body is in shock. "Y-You're dead...Kaylee you're dead..." I whispered to myself. She shook her head as I said it. "No..no baby it's me.." She smiled. She had tears in her eyes.

Her voice... that smooth, low, yet raspy voice. God I felt like it's been years since I heard it.

"Is it really you..?" I stared into those big red brown eyes of hers. I see me... Us... my first love.

She slowly hugged me but it took so much convincing that it was her.

"I'm home.." She hugged me tighter... "and I'm never letting you go again baby girl.." She kissed my cheek. Those words I remember. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and cried into her shoulder.

I really thought she was dead. I thought I'd never see her again and hear she is. But how did she get off the penalty?

I quickly pulled back and punched her in her chest. "Damn Macey.." She winced.

Everyone's face turned from "awww" to "the hell got into her?"

"You effer, you had me thinking you were dead!" I yelled. She chuckled. "There's my baby.." She kissed my cheek smiling.

"I got her down on her time. It took a lot but I was able to pull through.." The lady on the couch said.

"Can I at least get a kiss-" I smashed my lips against hers and fell into her warm hug. I've missed her lips against mine. Her tongue exploring my mouth.

"Okay people.." Cyan clapped. We detached from each other's face blushing really hard.

"Why didn't you write me? I could've at least kno-"

"Baby I did.. every damn day I wrote you. " she said.

"The house was taken out of my custody.." I don't know where they would be right now.

"They probably threw them away.." I got sad again.

"No they didn't actually..." She said. I looked up at her poking my lip out. "Stop that baby.. you're too beautiful to be pouting.. I know what happened. My lawyer kept me informed on that situation so every letter I wrote, I sent to her. She has them..." I looked at her lawyer and she grinned from ear to ear.

"Look behind you.." She whispered. I turned around and there were two big ass boxes sitting in the kitchen.

I felt Kaylee wrap her arms around my waist. "Sometimes I couldn't help but send two or three at a time... some are even for Maverick." Hearing his name made my heart drop. I still don't have him.

"Where is he by the way.. I want to-"


"Hmm?" She looked at me and I looked at Cyan and Valerie. She put the baby down and she was still sleeping in her car seat.

"Who is this.." She smiled.walking towards the car seat. I smiled looking at her playing with her hands.

"She's so small... she's adorable. Is she yours?" She looked up at Valerie. Valerie shook her head. Kaylee was obviously oblivious to who Empriss belonged too.

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now