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She finally looked at me, "I sound dumb. Just forget it,"

"No!" She yelled. "You really want u-us to be a family?"

I nodded my head. It was pretty clear what I just said. I fell... hard. I feel as if I'm talking out my ass. I haven't known her for a long time and I already want a family with her. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid to raise this kid on my own or because I truly want to be with Nubia.

"Macey?" I hummed.

"I'm taking you out tonight," She got up and held out her hand.

I took it and she pulled me up making me fall into a hug. I giggled at her silliness. "Get dressed,"

"Something nice?... Fancy?..."

"Casual," She winked.

"Where are we going?" I asked opening my closet door.

"Out.." She said. "Hurry up I'm going to get dressed." She left out the room.

I shook my head and got dressed.

I heard quick footsteps ascending towards my room. The fuck?

My door swung open, "In fact, put on some type of workout clothes."

"As in.."

"As in Yoga pants and a tee or tank you're comfortable in." She smiled.

"Where exactly are we going Nubia?"

"Don't worry baby girl just get dressed."

I threw my hands up in surrender and closed my closet. I walked over to my drawer and looked for yoga pants.

"I have a tee but no yoga pants," I said looking at her.

She stood quietly rubbing her face biting her lip, "We can just go buy you some and some comfortable shoes. Them slides ain't with it," She pointing at my Nike slides.

I glared at her.

"Let's go!" She yelled turning around to walk down the stairs.

"By the way Im taking Maverick to my Close friend's house!"

I raced out the room, "The hell you are!"

Who the hell she think she is taking my brother to some random ass person house? She done lost her rabbit ass mind!

"I already called. Baby don't worry she runs a daycare and a home daycare. Other kids are there and she's the most trusted nanny in town." She said softly.

I eyed her, "I want to meet her," I mumbled.

"Done deal," She kissed my cheek which made me blush. "Go get in the car, I'll get Maverick and lock up," She grinned handing me the keys.

I waddled down stairs and out the door. I got in the car seconds later she came out.


I've been living with my mother since me and Nubia split. We haven't filed for a divorce and I don't want to. I did my dirt and I know it hurt her badly. I didn't expect for it to happen but it did.

I can't take it back but I can try and make things better.

"Nubia still won't talk to you," My mother was passing through with laundry.

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now