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Someone kept tapping me...

I stirred not paying attention to it. It'll go away...

Seconds later...


"Yo what the fu-" I opened my eyes, body filled with irritation and anger, only to be met with a stranger and an empty bus surrounding me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you, but I didn't want to leave you and your son by yourself on the bus. I'm sure you have family that will be worried about you." The man smiled. If only he knew.

I nodded my head at him giving him a half smile, "Well umm, Thank you." I said. He smiles and began to walk off the bus. Mavey was still sleeping and I know he's very tired, but we have to go find this house. Then he can get more rest. Riding the bus becomes very uncomfortable in a certain amount of time.

I slightly shook him and his eyes fluttered open showing his chocolate colored orbs. He took the time to yawn, stretch, and rub his eyes sleepily.

"Come on we gotta get off, we're here," I said smiling at him. He smiled in return and got up grabbing my jacket. I got up once he started to get off. I felt kind of queasy and nauseated.

We got off the bus and grabbed our bags out of the luggage compartments. We turned and walked into a bus station.

It was big and nice. Nothing looked bad about it. We walked and I went looking for a bathroom. This feeling was getting worse.

After searching, I finally found it. "Mavey come with me," I said grabbing his hand. I power walked, reaching it in less than 2 minutes and ran inside. I pushed on the stall doors open and drop to my knees throwing up everything I've digested in the last couple of hours.

Another thing I may not have told anyone, was that I've decided to keep the baby. Im only 2 months along so I'm still debating wether I want to raise it or let it live a happy life with some other family.

I know it wouldn't be happy with me. I don't want my kid to grow up in the situation we're in currently. Not saying it'll be like this when it's older, but with the world and how it works it's a possibility it will slightly get better.

I finished puking out my insides and stood up wiping my mouth.

"Uggh," I groaned. I walked out of the stall and went to wash my hands. Mavey was off playing with the automatic dryer that blows air. Things like that always fascinate him.

"I'm sorry bubba come on," He followed me out the restroom. We walked back out and looked around. Hopefully I can get a taxi to take us to the house.

Looking over to the far side of the building, I can see a few taxis outside. I nodded for Mavey to follow me.

We got outside and one of the taxi drivers was leaning against the car just looking around. I thought he was looking for someone, but no one seemed to be headed into this direction. We needed the ride, so I took the initiative to grab attention.

"Sir?" I askes shyly. He looked at me and stood straight up smiling at me.

"I'm sorry ma'am where can I take you?"

I took out the piece of paper that had the address on it, "231 Magnolia Street please?"

He opened the door and we got in.

Within twenty minutes we pulled up to a nice house.

I was speechless

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I was speechless. It was big. The biggest I've ever seen at that. Maverick's eyes and mouth were wide open starring at it.

Grandma must have been rich as a child or something. I thought it was suppose to be a little one story house. Something you would normally expect, not this.

We got out and got our luggage walking up to the door. I was nervous as hell. I don't know who this girl is. I don't know this neighborhood, the city, and their people. I know nothing or anyone one here.

I hesitantly knock on the door. Waiting for someone to open it.

No response

I knocked again, "I'm coming shit!" The door swung wide open revealing a stud in boxers and a sports bra. Her hair sprawled all over her head. Bags covering her eyes, red and puffy too. She had a slim but petite body. She was taller than me. She looked like she hasn't slept for days crying over something. Although I must add her eyebrows and her lips are to die for.

Her lips... I wonder how soft they are.

"I'm sorry who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Macey and this is my little brother Maverick." I said.


Sorry to end it here😩but I'm definitely updating again today since it's short. I feel like I got lazy writing it. But I'm finna get back in the groove I just had my nap👌

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