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The stud got mad and stormed off. Honestly I don't know why she was mad. She wouldn't even inform me on what that phone conversation was about. She went from talking to yelling in a matter of seconds and told the guy "Fuck you,"

I do need to speak with her about using profanity around my damn brother. He is not going think it's ok for him to use at any given time when it's not necessarily needed. I don't want him growing up with a damn potty mouth, because best believe if he talk out the side of his neck with me Imma have to break his shit. I don't take disrespect very well and he knows better anyway.

I told Mavey to keep watching tv while I go talk to this mad ass female. I didn't say that, but you know what I mean.

I followed her and found her procrastinating in her room. She still looked piss, but I didn't care.

"Sooo... What happened?" I asked nervously walking in to her room. She didn't answer me and I didn't appreciate that. Fuck her too. But she what she not fixing to do is ignore me when I'm talking to her. Regardless if she older or not. I'm living here now and from what I know this my damn house and she not going to disrespect me in it.

"Look lil girl,"

"Lil girl? Okay first off do not call me little. You don't know what the fuck I been through and what I had to do in order to get through it. Age is a fucking number. If you seen me and never me you would have thought that little boy in their was my son by the way I take care of him on a daily fucking basis. I don't need my moms for shit. In my book I am a damn adult. Either way I turn 18 in less than 2 months, so miss me with that shit." I spoke with calmness. I wasn't angry nor looking for a fight, but I don't tolerate disrespect by any means. She can kiss my ass for all I care.

"I don't care what you been through! Shit you just ruined every fucking thing, took my damn house, and money. Why are you even here? Besides the fact of aunt Rosie dying, why couldn't you stay with another family member?" She asked. This bitch is really testing me. It's one thing to say you don't care about what I been through,  needless to say I don't give a damn because I know my story and it's no one else's business,  but saying I ruined every thing in your life? It ain't my damn fault. Fuck outta here.

"You forgot your in my house right?" I Chuckled coldly. I want to play with her. She can be a bitch, but I can be a bigger bitch. Just try me.

"Fuck that, this is my house," She spat pointing at herself.

"No my dear, that phone call didn't have you upset for no reason. Whoever that was told you what the truth was. That truth is that this is now my house and whatever else is mine too." I said.

I could see steam pouring out of her ears, but in a split second she broke down into tears.

I didn't know what to do.

I think she's one of those people who cry when their upset...

I felt bad but then again I didn't. I do feel bad because this girl really lost the hoise she lived in for years probably. I popped up in one night and took that away in less than 10 minutes. At the same time, she has to understand the shit I did to come this far as to actually having a nice olace to sleep. Something I own. A place I can call home... For me and Mavey.

I walked over to her slowly but carefully. I don't think she wouod do anything out of character, but you never know.

I reached for her and she flinched.

"What?" She looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Why are you crying? I hate to see people cry," I spoke softly.  I got close enough to where I was caressing her back.

"I don't mean to be mad it's just..." She paused taking a deep breath, "A couple days ago I found out my wife has been cheating with an old friend. I caught her on the phone talking about it when she found out she was pregnant. I just lost my house and the money I inherited..." She said.

Now I really do feel bad.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, but I never meant to do this. I didn't even know you inherited the house and whatever money you're talking about. Me and my brother lost the most two important people to us. Our mom doesn't care about us. So I needed to do whatever to get away and raise him without him seeing the things that went on back home," I said looking down. I shook my head just remembering not even half of the shit we went through. Even before Mavey was born.

"I'm sorry," She spoke softly.

I nodded my head, "It's alright. I'll tell you what. We're step cousins. We can work out our differences and live together. I can't ever leave this house until I'm 18. So having you here will helpful," I happily suggested.

She nodded agreeing to my suggestion. I would hate to kick her out, but I would also hate to fight somebody and I'm pregnant.

"Then again why can't you ever leave this house?" She asked.

"Maverick and I ran away."

"What?!" She snapped her head as she got off the bed.

"Please don't tell anyone!" I pleaded standing in front of her.


"You ran away and expect not to get caught? I will go to jail for harboring you in this house if they find you! I'll really lose everything," I began to panic. I can't afford losing my job. Hell I just lost my house and my inheritance.

"Calm down! I turn eighteen in two months. If I stay low then once I come of age I'm free. My mom never bothers to really look for us. All she cares about is her drugs and her bald headed ass nigga who got money." She said.

I do feel bad for her. I was being an asshole towards her, not even close to having the slightest idea of what she went through back home.

I'm okay with housing together. But somethings might not work.

One, she's ten years younger.

Two, her finding a job.

Three, she's ten years younger.

Four, catching feelings.

Five, she's ten years younger.

Six, she's a runaway along with her younger brother.

Many more things play out against this working out without much trouble at hand. I'm not saying it's easy, but I'm damn sure not saying it should be hard either.

"Alright I trust you. Don't leave this house or contact anyone." I said sternly furrowing my eyebrows.

"I won't I promise," She said.

Something small before a big update or two. Thanks for the love everyone. Keep reading and voting.

I love y'all❤

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