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"Breath in.." The instructor was walking around the room demonstrating her instructions. I took a deep breath in and exhaled when I was told.

I felt amazing doing these exercises and with Nubia sitting right behind me made me feel even better.

"Now Daddies...other mommy-," The instructor smiled at Nubia, "-slowly wrap your arms around mommy's tummy and massage in circular motions. Let mommy rest her body into yours..." She said observing the other soon-to-be parents.

I was nervous until I felt Nubia's smooth skin and chiseled arms wrap around my stomach. I wasn't as big as some of the other women but you could definitely tell I was four and half months along.

"Just relax my love," She whispered kissing the back of my ear. Chills went down my spine and I was able to relax into her hug. I closed my eyes once my head hit her shoulder. She carefully massaged my stomach and sung soft nurseries in my ear.

I love this. I crave her touch but I feen for her love and affection. She's taking what I said into consideration. She wants a family and technically we do have one, but our own child. Who knows... maybe we'll get married, get a big house, have nice jobs....

But I'm a screw up...

A runway... I lived a shitty life and I'm haunted by what I use to do. I'm carrying my Rapist' child and I still, to this day, find myself thinking about Kaylee. She's really gone. My family was suppose to be with her, but I'm grateful because I really do have someone besides Maverick that loves me. At least I think she loves me... don't get me wrong I know Kaylee loved me. She just had a weird way of showing it. I'll always love her. 

"Baby?" Nubia whispered. I inwardly cringed and blushed. She called me baby.


"You feel ok?"

"I feel amazing with you," I smiled.

"Beautiful! The session is now over." The instructor said. "As you leave the room, fathers and of course you sweetie, please grab a gift basket and a water. This is our appreciation gift to you for coming and joining our program. We will have these Tuesdays and Thursday and every other Saturday we throw small get together as for all the soon-to-be parents," She said. Everyone started to get up and put up their mats. Nubia helped me up rolling up our mat and putting it back in the bin it belonged in.

We walked towards the exit and she was standing there shaking everyone's hands. She then came to us.

"Thank you both for coming and I must say you two are absolutely beautiful together. I wish you luck on your journey and that your baby is born with excellent health." She smiled. "Here," She handed us her card, "I do private sessions and I am also a midwife. It's early on but I would love to help you guys with the birth of your child. Until then I can help guide you towards a smooth and healthy pregnancy and birth." She said.

She seems very nice. I don't know what a midwife is but the way she said it I'm guessing she helps women give birth. I don't know what kind of birth I want. I searched and Natural(vaginal) is most common but lately I've been seeing home births and water births. Something that makes me feel comfortable. I can be home and maybe her family can see the birth of the baby.

"Also I know who you are," She whispered. My eyes grew wide. I stepped back a little and Nubia was giving her a look. "Macey I won't tell on you."

"H-How do I know that?" I looked at her.

"Remember Ricky?...Wayne?"

His name... every time I heard his name I wanted to scream my lungs out to where I no longer spoke another word as long as I exist. Hearing his name makes me feel fear. He did this to me and He out through bad situations. I was used as someone's sex toy three or four times a day, twenty-four seven.

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