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Nubia scheduled me an appointment today. Tomorrow is my birthday so I'm not afraid of me and Maverick being reported and sent back home.

Since I'm four and a half months almost five, I'm able to find out the sex of the baby and honestly I'm nervous.

Obviously I want a girl...although a boy wouldn't be bad but looking at him will make me see Ricky's face. I don't want my baby being a spitting image of him.

Not saying he would but I fear it. I wouldn't raise him they way I was. Especially not into a life I lived or it's father.

"Don't stress yourself..." I whispered to myself. Maverick is going with us. I had the talk with him and I told him that I was carrying a baby. Of course he asked how but that's a discussion for a different day.

He wants to go with us so he can see if he's having a nephew or a niece. He's more excited than me and Nubia combined, and Nubia has been non stop trying to plan for this baby. She's really excited and honestly I'm thankful I have her to help me. I wouldn't know what to do and I probably wouldn't have kept it.

I do want a family with her and it's a very big step being that I've only been here for about two and a half months and I caught feelings. Hell she isn't even my girlfriend and she's wants this baby.

"Macey and Mavey, y'all ready?" Nubia yelled from down the hall.

"Yea!" I grabbed my phone.

Did I mention she got me an IPhone seven? A red one at that.

"Come on Mav," He jumped off the bed and ran into the hallway shouting, "I want a niece!" I chuckled and came out behind him.

"And why is that?" Nubia chucked.

"Cause I'm gonna be the best Unc-Unc ever!" He yelled.

We both laughed, "Unc-Unc?" I looked at him grinning.

"Yes! They when I get big and strong I can protect her..." He smiled flashing his "guns"

I love this little boy. No matter what he keeps a smile on his face and he's so over protective. He treats women better than men around my age... and he's five. There's no excuse for the way men act these days. Maverick had days where he was starved, didn't shower, was whooped badly, even bullied in school, and went through half the stuff I did and he still treats women like we're God's most prized creation.

Some men just be on bullshit...

Take notes nigga. "MaNubie let's go!" He yelled pulling us down the stairs and out the house.

Lately he's been calling Nubia, Manubie. It's a mixture or ma and Nubia. Well Nubie being her nickname.

We got in the car and drove off. Nubia drove and Mavey was in the backseat singing along with the radio. I was getting nervous the closer we got to the doctor's office.

We finally pulled up and nerves were jumping. "Macey don't be so tense," I didn't notice Nubia was holding my hand. "Sorry.."

"You're nervous... who wouldn't be at times like this. It's ok baby," She smiled kissing my hand.


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