Chapter 61

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“I wasn’t interrupting anything was I?” I questioned them. “I mean I didn’t even ask if you were busy, Cody.” I laughed.

    “No, no, its fine,” He shook his head. There was a loud bang that came from upstairs, followed by really loud laughing. I turned to Cody, he shrugged and slowly got up. Natalie and I followed as Cody walked up the stairs to his sisters room. He knocked and pushed the door open.

    “Um. Are you all right?”

    Alli was laying on the floor laughing uncontrollably. Christian was sitting in the corner of the room smiling, there was another girl but I couldn’t see her face to know who it was.

    Alli sat up, “Isabel pushed me off the bed.” She managed to get out between giggles.

    “I did not! you’re crazy Alli,” The other girl laughed too. I smiled at them, the other girl looked really familiar. “Hey, your Greyson’s girlfriend, Rachel right?” She asked. I nodded.

    “Yeah, thats me.” I sighed, “Do I know you from somewhere?...You seem familiar..”

    “I was the girl at Alli’s birthday party who spilt the cool aid on your shirt.” She sighed and started laughing, “Sorry again about that,”

    “Its fine,” I laughed at the memory. Alli got off the floor.

    “Everything ok?” 

    “Yeah, its fine,”

    Alli raised an eyebrow, “Remember in the hospital when I told you you’re a terrible liar?”


    “Well I’m gong to tell you again. You’re a terrible liar, Rachel. Spill. what happened.”

    “Long story.” I shook my head.

    “I’ve got time.”

    So I sat, explaining again what had happened.

    “You know Lisa, she’ll get over it.”

    I didn’t answer. I just looked at the ground with a frown.

    “Have you eaten?” Cody asked.


    “You need to eat.” Cody scolded me.

    “But..I don’t want to..”

    “But you have to. Come on.” He got up and took my hand, pulling me down to his room. He let go of my hand and went to his mini fridge and took out a thing of milk.

    “You seriously keep milk in your room.”

    “Cereal addict. Remember?” He smiled. As he took out one of the many bowls he kept in here with a spoon, pouring milk and cereal into it, then handing it to me.


    “Now eat it. Its cereal you have to.” Cody smiled.

    He watched me, making sure I ate everything. I was hungrier then I thought I was though, because he didn’t have to nag at me to finish. Natalie was watching TV on the other side of the room. I missed Greyson terribly, and wished I wouldn’t of run off like that...He needs me as much as I need him right now. Its not just me going through this.

    I looked at the clock, it was almost 9:30. I took out my phone and walked into Cody’s bathroom.

    “Rachel?” Greyson’s voice was panicked as he answered the phone.

    “Hey GBear, I’m sorry I left..”

    “Nah, Its ok.” He sighed. “You all right? Where are you?”

    “I’m at Cody’s with him and Nat. And yeah..I’m fine.”

    “Ok, thats good. You didn’t walk did you?”

    “No no, I’ve learned my lesson.” I smiled. I could hear Greyson laugh slightly in the background.

    “All right, well, I’ll see you in the morning them?” I bit my lip.

    “Of course, goodnight Rachel..”   

    “Goodnight Greyson, I love you.”

    “I love you too, goodnight!” He hung up and I stood there, smiling for a minute, wondering how I got lucky enough to find someone like him.

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