Chapter 93

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*Greyson’s POV*

    I panicked.

    “Rachel? Oh god, please don’t leave me.” I held her hand as Nurses tried pushing me out of the way, but I wouldn’t move. She was dead. The love of my life is dead. I was crying. Having a complete mental break down. Cody had to come get me out of there. He picked me up and carried me out of the room as I hollered and screamed. I must of looked stupid. A seventeen year old boy throwing a fit, completely losing my mind. I didn’t care. They promised to do the best they could. But sometimes that’s just not enough.

    “Do you want to see him?” Cody asked, after letting me sit in the hallway and cry for a few minutes trying to catch my breath. Natalie was in the nursery with my son. I thought for a second. I didn’t want to go without Rachel...but I’m sure she’d hit me if I didn’t check on him at least once. I nodded and followed Cody in the right direction.

    We walked towards Natalie. She was sitting in a chair next to one of those tiny hospital cribs. My heart started beating faster as I approached him.

    “Greyson.” She smiled, “Look..” She turned her head to Jeydon. I looked in and instantly smiled.

    “Oh my god.” I whispered, looking at the tiny human.

    “Hello Jeydon, Daddy came to see you,” Natalie cooed, smiling.

    The little name tag on the side said Jeydon Chance. I shook my head, smiling.

    “Don’t cry Greyson,” Natalie smiled. “Do you want to hold him?”

    “Um...Yeah, actually... I do.”

    She smiled and got up from her chair, motioning for me to sit. I sat down as she carefully reached into the crib, taking him out.

    “If you drop him I’ll kill you.” She warned.

    I half smiled as the baby was placed into my arms. She showed me how to correctly hold him. I just looked at him. Not knowing what to do. I wish Rachel was here too. I felt kind of guilty for being here without her. I wasn’t even sure how I felt about this kid. If Rachel didn’t make was partially his fault. Jeydon woke up, and started getting fussy.    

    “Talk to him.” Natalie whispered.

    “Um...Hi,” I said softly. He continued to cry. “Shh, hey, its ok... I’m not very good at this.. your mommy will be here soon...” I hope. I added mentally.

He was still crying, so I looked up at Natalie. “...You could try singing?” She shrugged. It was worth a shot. Quietly, I sang Count On Me by Bruno Mars. Just because it had always been one of Rachel’s favorites.

    “If you're tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep, I'll sing a song beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me, Everyday I will remind you”

    Jeydon’s little hand grabbed my pinky finger as he yawned. Immediately every negative feeling I had towards him vanished. I’m holding my son. He’s mine. I helped make this little guy.  I felt like I was going to cry. I smiled at him as he slept.

    “That was so freaking cute. Oh my goodness.” Natalie whispered. Of course, she was recording the whole thing. “Cody I want one.” She looked at him. I had to stop myself from laughing at Cody’s horrified face.

    “Um...maybe later..... A lot later.” Cody answered, adding the last part in quieter than the first.  I set Jeydon back in the crib.

    “I’ll be right back.” I whispered to him, smiling. “I’m going to see Rachel.” I told Cody and Nat.

    “Ok,” Natalie smiled. Cody still looked horrified. I patted his shoulder and left.

    Walking down the halls I realized my fans were going to have to know about this soon. Telling them....wasn’t going to be easy.

    “Greyson.” Someone called from behind me. I turned around to the familiar voice.

    “Hey Lauren..”

    “I um... Just wanted to make sure everything was all right.” She bit her lip.

    “Could be worse.... could be better..”

    “Ah...Well. That’s.. good I suppose.” She smiled.

    “Yeah,” I smiled back.

    “I’ve got to go. I’ll stop by again later when things aren’t so hectic?” She asked.

    “Yeah... I’d like that.” I nodded. Things have gotten a lot easier with Lauren than they used to be.

    She waved and walked away. Before I made it into Rachel’s room, a nurse stopped me.


    “How’s Rachel?!” I asked.

    “They managed to save her.. for now at least. She’s unconscious for.. who knows how long now. It could be permanent. I don’t have many details.”

    I ran my fingers through my hair. “Great. That’s great... well, thank you.”

    “No problem.” She smiled at me before leaving.

    I took a deep breath before walking into Rachel’s room. I pushed open the one was in here except her.

    The beeping told me she was still alive. They weren’t lying. They had saved her. I let out a sigh of relief. I slowly walked over to her, kneeling down on the floor next to her bed.

    “Hey Rach... I just checked on Jeydon. He’s adorable. He looks just like you...well except the ears.... poor kid.” I shrugged. “Rachel.. babe I need you to wake up soon, ok? I can’t do any of this alone.....and I know I promised you not to do anything stupid. But I don’t know how long I can last if you’re gone...” I shook my head. In tears by now. I leaned over her, lightly pressing my lips to hers for a few seconds.

When I pulled away, her eyes fluttered open.

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