Chapter 71

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We pulled out in front of what would of been my high school ten minutes later. It was 1:45, school got out in fifteen minutes, which meant I would have to be quick.

    “I think, I’m almost positive I know where Sarah is.” I said as the car stopped.

    “Then lets go, we gotta hurry.” Greyson jumped out of the car, opening my door for me. Cody stepped out too, both boys were following me back down to where the track was.

    Cody slid on his sunglasses, Greyson doing the same. It was almost pointless, but it was worth a shot.

    I half ran when I saw the familiar red of her hair. I stopped at the top of the hill. She didn’t see me, because her back was to us, she was doing stretches or something.

    “YO GINGER. YOUR HAIRS ON FIRE!” I yelled it, loud enough for her to hear. It was something I’d said to her all the time in middle school, so hopefully she remembers. She stopped what she was doing, and stood up, slowly turning around.

    “RACHEL?” She tilted her head, then screamed. “RACHEL!”

    She ran up the hill and basically threw herself at me, almost knocking me over, Screaming again. I screamed too, we went back and forth for a minute just screaming to each other laughing.

    “I MISSED YOU! OH MY GOSH. I CALLED, LAST MONTH YOU DIDN’T PICK UP, I WAS SO WORRIED!” She hugged me again and stood back so we could talk.

    “I know I know, I’m sorry! I just...wasn’t myself I guess,” I laughed.

    “I completely understand! Hows that Greyson kid doing?”

    “He’s fine, he’s over there,” I pointed over my shoulder smiling. Sarah waved at him and put her attention back to me.

    “And Natalie?”

    “Modeling for the week,” I sighed.

    “Oh...” She paused for a second. “OH. YOU..YOU NEED TO SEE JAMES AND DANNY!” She jumped up and down, “THEY’RE GOING TO BE SO HAPPY!”

    I smiled at the sound of my old friends names.

    “Where are they?”

    “Probably just getting out of Study!”

    She gave me the directions, and her new cellphone number before going back to practice. I smiled and took Greyson and Cody’s hands, walking down the hallways of the school. I almost made it to what Sarah had told me was Daniel's locker when I saw him. He was walking with another boy, who I easily recognized as James. I let go of Cody and Greyson, who thankfully still had not been noticed, and ran down the hall, jumping on James’ back.

    “JAMIEEEE!” I jumped off, and stood in front of him.


    Daniel turned his head at the sound of my name, he smiled and immediately picked me up, hugging me.

    “WHATS HAPNIN’ RAYRAY?” I laughed at one of our old inside jokes.

    “Not much, just in the neighborhood, how bout you Danny?”

    “I’m good, still failing Algebra, and what do you mean not much there, little girl?”

    “Ok, so a lot, but it takes a long time to explain.” I laughed. Then turned my head, pulling Greyson by the arm to where I was standing.

    “This is my boyfriend, Greyson.” I smiled, trying not to talk too loud. Greyson had taken off his sunglasses, the halls were empty because the last bell hadn’t officially rang yet.

    “I’m pretty sure I know who he is, even my own girlfriend drools over him,” Jamie laughed. “Nice to finally meet you though.” He shook Greyson’s hand and smiled.

    Greyson wasn’t saying much. He just kind of looked at Daniel through the corner of his eye, quick enough that i barley noticed. I don’t blame him for staring, Danny looks a lot meaner then he really is. Tall, black hair, extremely fit. You could say, he looks like one of those bad boys your mom always told you to stay away from. But really, he’s one of the nicest boys you’d ever meet. Always smiling, looking at the bright side of things.

    I stood there smiling like an idiot for a few seconds.

    “Aaand,” I turned around, grabbing Cody’s arm. “This is Cody, Nat’s boyfriend.”

    “Ah, the Australian. My girlfriend loves you too,” Jamie laughed and so did Cody.

    “I forgot how blonde your hair is,” I touched Jamie’s hair and smiled. It was almost white, I absolutely loved it.

    The bell rang.

    “Uh Oh.” Danny stopped and looked at Cody and Grey. “Come here,” He motioned for us to follow him, taking us into an empty classroom and out a side door right as the kids flooded the halls. “Trust me, if you’re going to be surrounded by those kids you do not want to be stuck in there.”

    Outside though, there was a loud scream, we all turned around to see who it was. Some little ninth grader had a hand over her mouth, almost in tears looking right at Greyson. Slowly, she walked over to him.

    “You’’re Greyson Chance. Like.. THE Greyson Chance.” She looked like she wasn’t breathing at all.

    Greyson was just smiling, “Yup, thats me. I’m guessing you’re a superfan?”

    “Yeah,” She laughed wiping her eyes.

    “Well, are you going to Cody and I’s concert tonight?” Greyson smiled.

    “No,” She sighed. “I don’t have tickets.”

    Greyson shrugged. “Yes you do.”

    She looked confused, “What?”

    “I said, you’ve got tickets.” He reached into his pocket, handing her a ticket to his concert later tonight. She started crying again, and he hugged her.

    “T-thank you!” She sniffled. He smiled back at her and nodded his head.

    “No problem,”

    A car horn honked and the girl left, waving at us as she went.

    “That was really nice of you,” Danny smiled at Greyson, Grey smiled back.

    “Its my job.”

    “Cody Simpson, Siimmpssoooon, Cowday Siympson, C-c-c-cody!”

    “Rachel..what are you doing?” Cody laughed.

    “Saying your name.”


    “Because I can, ok!?” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Now, I believe you boys have a soundcheck to get to.”

    Greyson looked at his watch. “Crap. We’re late. Again.” His eyes got wide, he hates being late.

    “and you boys,” I turned to Danny and Jamie, “Have to come to their concert tonight. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?”

    “I’ll go!” Jamie smiled.

    “Danny...?” I gave him a puppy dog face. He laughed.

    “Sure, Sure.”

    “YES! Oh! You can hear me sing too. I’m opening for them.” I nodded my head.

    “Really? You? The girl who almost threw up when she had to go on stage in seventh grade?” Jamie teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed.

    “Rachel, I really hate doing this, but we have got to go. Our managers are seriously going to kill us.” Greyson was rocking back and forth on his heels.

    “All righty then, see you two later,” I hugged Daniel and James. “If you see Sarah, could you tell her to come too? My phone died!”

    “Sure!” Danny smiled. I watched as the two of them walked away, pushing each other, laughing. Just like middle school.

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