Chapter 78

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Back to Rachel’s point of view.

    I felt bad for leaving Greyson there like that, but I didn’t know what else to do. Plus, I had to stop myself from laughing at Cody. He always knew how to crack me up.

    Now I was standing backstage at the concert, the place was packed tonight. 4,000 people in one place down in Maine. It was incredible. I bit my bullet, and stole a good luck kiss from Greyson before walking out.

    “Hey guys.” I smiled at all the faces, they screamed. I sighed. “Well, you wanna know what I’ve learned the past few days?” They screamed a bit.

    “I’ve got a brother. Well you know, besides Cody.” I smiled. I could hear a bunch of gasps going through the crowd. “I know, I’m shocked too.” I laughed. “But I also learned, that he’s been fighting in the army since he turned 18. Which is why, I couldn’t remember him. So, I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Jacob. On the count of three, we’re all gonna yell “Thank You Jacob!” as Loud as you can! ok? 1...2...3!!”

    It was amazing, to hear that many people thank my brother. I looked at the folding chairs that were in front of the gates, where Alli and Natalie would sit and sometimes Lisa. Emily and Jake were there, smiling.

    “All right. Lets get going shall we?”

    I smiled, setting the mic back onto the stand, grabbing my guitar, sitting on the stool. Playing and singing along to something that was pretty familiar to Cody’s fans.

    “Because it ends with you, boy. It all ends with you. It started I then the L, ove came over me, and it ends with you. This love story ends with you..”

    Leaving the guitar back on the stand halfway through the song, walking from one side of the stage to the other, listening to the crowd sing along.

    After I put the mic back on the stand, standing there staring at the crowd. I half smiled and listened as the music started back up.

    “I heard, that you're settled down. That you found a girl and your, married now. I heard that your dreams came true guess she gave you things...I didn’t give to you..”

    I smiled at the end of the song, Looking down at all the faces. Deciding to go to the piano now. Playing a song I learned just a few weeks before the crash

    “There’s a dream in my soul. A fire deep inside me. There’s a me no one knows. Just waiting to be set free. I’m gonna see that they, I can feel it I can taste it, change is coming my way. I was born to be somebody. Aint nothing thats ever gonna stop me...”

    I did a few more songs, and was about ready to get up and go before I heard Greyson.

    “Hey Rachel, stay there a second, ok?” He smiled at me, holding the mic in his hands, facing the crowd. “So, I’ve been working on something, really hard for you guys. No one knows, but I’ve been able to play piano for a week now.”

    The smile on my face got huge.

    “So, Rachel. I was wondering, if you would be ok with a Piano Duet?”

    The piano duet? When did he learn this? I was confused, but faced the piano again anyway. He put the microphone on the top of the piano, sitting beside me.

    I started, the way I was supposed to. The first 30 seconds was all me. Slowly hitting each key. I was nervous, and excited. Greyson’s never played the Piano Duet with me. I didn’t even know he could. Especially now, after the crash.

    But he did. He hit those keys, perfectly. Of all the songs he could of played first, he chose this one. It was quite hard to do. I wanted to stop playing and hug him, but of course, I didn’t. We continued. The song was only two minutes long at the most. But when we were through, everyone screamed and clapped, louder than I’ve ever heard them before.

    It was an amazing feeling, being up there with Greyson.


    After Light Up The Dark, I left the stage. Watching as Greyson did his set. His face was pale again. I had my fingers crossed he would be ok at least until he got off stage.

        But that didn’t happen.

    He was singing a newer song, when he collapsed. Just fell on the stage. I stood in shock for a second. The room was silent.

    “No...” I whispered to myself, running out there, kneeling beside him.  He was breathing, which was a good sign. But that didn’t make me feel any better. Considering I’ve seen him like this for a long time. A month, actually.

    “CODY.” I screamed. It didn’t take long for Cody to be running back out on stage, kneeling down beside me.

    “Greyson, buddy, wake up, ok?” He whispered. “ALLI. CALL 911. HURRY UP.” He shouted over his shoulder. It was weird, being watched by thousands of people. I looked down at Jacob and Emily. She had her hand over her mouth, eyes wide with fear.

    “GREYSON.” I screamed. “PLEASE.....PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO ME AGAIN.” I started crying, pulling his head onto my lap, moving the hair out of his eyes. His head was bleeding, I didn’t know what to do.  “You’re gonna be ok.” I whispered to him, over and over. Maybe more to convince myself than anyone else. “I need you to be.”

    Cody picked him up then, carrying him off stage carefully. I sat in the middle of the stage. Hugging my knees, hiding my face. Not caring that I was being watched, by 4 thousand different people.

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