Megan's POV
We were getting closer and closer to my house.
"Stop." I said quickly.
Ethan didn't listen.
"Fucking stop!" I yelled this time.
The car stopped abruptly and I got out, Grayson following close behind me."We'll meet you at the house, Eth." Grayson said as Ethan drove off.
I walked into the woods.I just kept walking and walking, Deeper and deeper. I finally stopped at my favourite tree, I used to come her a lot when He came back.
I had a pillow and a blanket hid under a rock.
"You can't be serious, Megan." Grayson said as I pulled out the blanket.
"Just go home Grayson." I said as I sat down on the cold ground.I fixed the pillow under my head and lead against the tree. Grayson just stood there staring at me.
After a while he sat down next to me and leant against the tree as well.
"What are you doing?" I said in a firm tone.
"Im not leaving here without you, so deal with it." He said as he took the pillow from behind my head.He put the pillow behind him and moved my head onto his chest, he then pulled me closer to him so he was under the blanket too.
I was freezing. My fingers and toes were numb and I was shaking.
Grayson just pulled me even closer to him giving me his jacket.
"Grayson, I'm fine. Your gonna freeze." I said.
"I'll be fine. You'll keep me warm." He insisted as he placed his jacket over me.I finally accepted what was happening and wrapped my arms around him, moving my body even closer to him.
Grayson started playing with my hair.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked with a tiny chuckle.
"That's like, the first time I've heard you laugh." He said.
"Don't get used to it." I said with no emotion."Why don't people like you in school?" He asked me, I wasn't expecting him to ask that.
"You don't have to answer. I was just wondering." I stayed silent hoping he would get the hint.He continued to play with my hair and didn't ask another question. Soon I felt myself falling asleep.
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. It must have been really early as the sun was only just rising.
"Wake up." I said as I shook Grayson.
"What time is it?" He asked me.
"I'm not a clock pretty boy." I said to him making him chuckle.I got up and ripped the pillow away from behind his head.
"Hey!" Grayson said annoyed.
"Come on lazy ass, we're gonna miss it!" I said.
"Miss what?" he whined.
"The sun rise. Now get up." I said as I threw his jacket at him. I then grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my body.I made my way up a hill as Grayson followed close behind.
There has always been this box that was placed at the top of the hill, I don't know who put it there or why. I climbed onto the box and just watched as the run came up.Grayson was sat next to me.
"Wow." He said.
"How did you find this?" He asked me.
"Lonely nights." I replied, my voice showing no emotion.There was a long pause until Grayson spoke up.
"Megan, I'm not gonna ask you what's going on, but I would appreciate if you would consider telling me. It doesn't have to be anytime soon. Just please, think about it."
"I can't make any promises, Grayson." I said still showing no emotion."Come on, we should go, your family must be worried about you." I said as I hopped of the box.
He just nodded and we walked out of the woods.We were a few houses down from ours when I stopped.
"Grayson, I can't go any further. I'll see you at school yeah?" I said.