Megan's POV
They hit Him over the head knocking him out cold.
"Grayson!" I yelled. He wrapped me in his arms as he dragged me to his car. We got into the car, Ethan driving and me and Grayson in the back seats."Grayson! You don't know what you've done! They are going to kill me!" I yelled as I pulled at my hair.
"They are going to kill YOU!" I shouted as I cupped his face in my hands.Grayson cupped my face with his hands as well and told me to take deep breaths with him. Ethan was driving god knows where.
"Grayson my brother! My brothers in there! They are going to make him pay for my actions! Ethan turn around right now!" I yelled. Ethan just kept driving.
"Where the fuck are we going!" I yelled. Nobody answered me. I just closed my eyes and tried to think of a plan. A plan of how I'm going to make sure my brother is safe, and a plan of how i'm going to get away from Him.
"Who was he, Megan." Grayson said as he grabbed my hand.
"I can't tell you that, Grayson."
I just looked at him."This is what's going to happen." I said as I looked straight into his eyes.
"We are gonna go to the airport, you are going to drop me off and leave me there. You are then gonna go home and act like none of this happened. My brother will come to you if he needs help, you are going to help him and make sure he is safe. You are going to forget this ever happened or you are going to be killed, Grayson. It doesn't matter what I do now, I'm already dead. I've disobeyed him. I can never go back.
If you try to help me then you are going to be dead too, I'm not letting that happen.""Megan, you know I'm not going to do that. Wherever you go, I go."
I was about to say something when he cut me off.
"Ethan, You are gonna do everything Megan just said, I'm staying with her. Help her brother, make sure he's safe. I'll try to keep in contact. Drive to the nearest mall, We need to get passports and I need to transfer my money over." He said."Grayson, what the fuck are you doing right now? Did you not just hear a word that came out of my mouth? You will be killed! You don't understand at all. You don't even know me! I could be a psychopath for all you know! If you help me you will die. Ethan, Don't let your brother do this! They will kill him! You will never see him again!" Ethan didn't say a word.
"Megan, we will be safe. Both of us. We have close family in New Jersey, nobody will find us there." Grayson said.
"You don't understand Grayson! You don't know what I'm running from. They are everywhere! There's no getting away from this! You can't help me!" I yelled as I put my head in my hands.
"I have a job to complete, he was about to take me to do it. It could have all been over, Grayson. All of this. I may have died whilst completing the job but at least my brother would have been safe. He's 9 years old, Grayson. 9 fucking years old! They could kill him!" I yelled.
"You didn't listen to me! I told you not to! He could die Grayson!" I continued to yell.
"It's not like I can just go back now either! Go back and leave with Him, complete my mission and be free! That can never happen now Grayson!" I started hitting him on his chest.
"This is why I hide my feelings! This is why I keep my mouth shut! If I don't, I regret it! I told you this Grayson! Why didn't you just fucking listen!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs now.
I was having a panic attack.
"Ethan stop the car!" Grayson yelled.
The car stopped abruptly and me and Grayson got out. He grabbed my face and brought it close to his.
"Breath Megan. Breath." He started breathing in and out with me until I had calmed down. I lead on the floor and just put my hands over my face."I don't care what you say Megan, I'm not just gonna leave you to wait to be killed. That's not gonna happen without a fight. Just like earlier you didn't give up, you fought back. That is exactly what is going to happen. You will get through this, Megan. We will get through this. Together." Grayson said as he pulled me into his arms.
"This is completely different Grayson. It's not just a scrap on the school yard, it's real life. It's life and death with this, so promise me one thing." I said.
"If they find us and you can still get away, you are going to leave whilst you still can." I said as I looked straight into his eyes."Megan I can't-"
"No Grayson. You promise me that you will leave or I am going to turn myself in the first chance I get." I said completely serious.There was a long pause until Grayson spoke up.
"I promise."