*In process of editing*
Grayson's POV
I held her tight.
I felt like if I let go, she would just fall apart.
She handed over her own brother for me.I thought I was going to die. Shawn had hid me from the rest of the family, he and Damien were the only ones to know I was down in that cellar.
"I-I thought I would never see you again" I cried out against Megan's neck. She didn't say anything, she just held me even tighter as she let out another cry.
We sat there for about 20 minutes, just holding each other as we cried.
Ethan then came up to us and put his hand on Megan's shoulder.
"We have to go" He said sadly.Megan was instantly on her feet. She helped me up and I interlocked are hands as we walked to a van.
Me and Megan got into the back of the van, where I laid my head in her lap. I was absolutely exhausted.
Megan stared into space as she played with my hair. She was empty again. She was numb. She was Cold.
I hated seeing her like this.
I hated the fact that she did this for me. The fact that she is feeling like this because of me.I sat up and cupped her face in my hands.
"Megan, I am going to get Joseph back, even if it's the last thing I do" I said as I stared into her eyes."It's not your fight, Grayson" She said softly. I could see her holding back the tears.
"But this wasn't Joseph's either" I said as I held her hands in mine.
She pushed my hands away and turned her body away from me as well."Megan-" I said as I placed my hand on her arm.
"Quit with the fucking bullshit Grayson! I can't deal with it right now" She said as she pushed my hand away.I know she didn't mean it, it's just her way of copping with everything that's happened. Shutting people out. I know that she is going to be sorry when she has calmed down.
She just doesn't want to be touched or have someone try and make her feel better, she needs to do that for herself. She has been alone for so long, that she has gotten used to caring for herself. She knows what she needs.
The only sad thing about that, is the fact that I am the complete opposite to that. I just want her to hold me. I want her to tell me everything is okay, I want her to play with my hair as I cuddle up to her body. I want her to kiss me, to make me forget about everything, because when I'm with her, she is all I think about.
"Megan? Please can you hold me?" I asked. I just needed to feel her skin against mine. I know she's angry and upset, but I don't care. I need her.
She didn't say anything, she just lifted up her arm as she turned to face me again.
I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, as she wrapped hers around my neck. I laid my head on her as she played with my hair.
I felt so much peace when I was in her arms. I felt so safe. The only thing I could hear was her heart beating as I rested my head on her chest.
I felt droplets of water land on my head. Megan's tears. I didn't sit up or ask her why she was crying, I know she wouldn't want me to. I just pulled her in closer and held her tight.
I wish I could make Megan feel safe. I wish I could make her feel whole. I don't want her to feel empty. I don't want her to feel numb. I don't want her to be Cold.
I wish I could warm her, I wish I could light a fire right through her, just like she does to me.
I don't think she realises how she makes me feel, I just wish I could make her feel the same way.
I love Megan. I would do anything for her to love me back. I just wish she would realise that.
It kills me, seeing her like this. Shutting me out, like I would hurt her. I wonder what goes on in her head. What does she think about during the day? What goes through her mind when she pulls a trigger? What goes through her mind when she pushes me away? What goes through her mind when she kisses me?
Questions. Questions I ask myself. Questions I may never know the answers to.
Maybe, one day Megan can fully open up to me. Maybe one day she can fully trust me. Maybe one day she will be mine. Maybe one day, she will love me back.
What am I thinking?
She doesn't need me.
She doesn't want me.
She doesn't love me.It brought another tear to my eye, the fact that Megan will probably never love me back. I would die for her, I love her with every inch of me. I haven't known her for forever, but I want to spend forever with her.
I pulled away slightly and moved Megan's head downwards, to look me in the eyes.
I was instantly captured in her gaze. Those deep green eyes, a dark ocean blue ring that sits around the outside of the green. A hint of hazel in the middle that swirls into the green.
My eyes moved to her face. The small freckles that covered over the top of her cheeks and her nose, her flawless complexion that glowed. The slight tint of pink that swept over her cheeks and her nose as the cold air had hit her face, making it ice cold.
My eyes then fell to her lips. Her lips looked so delicious. I just wanted to feel them on mine. They are like a drug, an antidote to the loneliness I am feeling.
My eyes darted back up to her eyes. I was once again lost, I was lost in a never ending maze that I will gladly volunteer to be lost in forever.
My hand made its way to her face. I cupped her face in my hand as I brought it closer to mine. Our noses were brushing as we still looked deeply into each other's eyes.
She leant her forehead against mine as she closed her eyes. I could feel her hot breath against mine. Her breaths had become heavy as her heart beat had sped up.
Her hands made their way to the back of my neck, as she gripped the small hairs at the back of my head in her hands.
I couldn't deal with it any longer. I pulled her into me as I pressed my lips against hers. Our lips moving in a perfect sync as I placed my free hand on the small of her back.
This kiss was different.
She kissed me with such passion, such emotion.She kissed me with such... Love.