*In process of editing*
Grayson's POV
Suddenly, everyone left the room. I was so confused.One man then came back into the room. He didn't say anything, he just locked the door and stood in front of it.
I just let out a deep sigh.
A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door.The man turned around, unlocking the door and opening it.
As soon as the door was fully open, the man came crashing to the ground.That's when I saw her.
A baseball bat in her hands and a smirk on her face.She closed the door with her foot and took the key from the man she had knocked out. She locked the door and then made her way over to me.
"Megan" I breathed out in relief as she sat down next to me and lifted up my hands. She didn't say anything, she just had a sly smirk on her face.
She took a pin from her hair and used it to pick the lock on my chains.
"Come on, we don't have a lot of time" She said as she pulled me to my feet. She interlocked her fingers with mine as she pulled me out of the door, into the room next door.
She locked the door after we had entered and walked over to the window, opening it.
She looked back at me and winked, before she jumped out of the window.
"Megan!" I yelled as I ran towards the window, worried.
I looked out of the window, and there she was, stood on the ground smiling up at me."Come on, pretty boy" She whisper yelled as she smirked again.
I too jumped out of the window, only I fell on my ass.Megan covered her hand over her mouth as she tried to stop herself from laughing, she held the other out to me and helped me to my feet.
She then started pulling me around the corner. A man was sat in a jeep, half asleep.
Megan pulled me with her as she ran over to the truck and knocked out the man sitting in it.
"After you" she said as she opened the passenger door for me. I just shook my head and she jumped into the drivers seat.
We started driving away, when Megan noticed a radio sitting on the dashboard.
Her smirk just grew as she picked it up and typed something into it.
Shawn answered the radio."Hello?" He asked, worried.
"You're next" She said and then threw the radio out of the window, putting her foot down on the accelerator.She laughed wildly as we sped off, following the desert like road.
I just looked at her confused.She then slowed down a bit and turned to me.
"Let's just say, Damien will never be able to bother me, you, my brother, Ethan, the gang, or anyone else ever again" She said, her smirk bigger than ever.
"He's finally fucking gone!" She yelled this time. A smirk then grew on my face.
She did it.
She finally got her revenge.
He won't be able to hurt her ever again.