*In process of editing*
Megan's POV
When I woke up, Grayson wasn't next to me. I found it strange as I am usually the one that has to drag him out of bed.I was about to get up when the bathroom door opened. Grayson stood with only a towel wrapped around his lower body, water droplets falling of him. He looked hot.
"I talked with James. You are having a break this morning, you deserve it." Grayson said as he walked over to the closet. We have basically been living in the hotel.
I instantly collapsed back onto the bed. Finally. I can relax for once.
"Want some pancakes?" Grayson asked as he put on a pair of boxers. He didn't even bother to cover himself."I'm not lying when I say, I haven't had pancakes in about 4 years. Yes. Yes I would like some pancakes!" I said excited.
Grayson chuckled at me and walked over to the hotel phone. He ordered us room service and then jumped back into the bed, pulling the covers off me.
"Hey!" I yelled as I pulled them back.
I was wearing one of Grayson's sweatshirts with my undergarments.Grayson picked me up and threw me over him, along with the covers. I just laughed at him and sat up.
I pulled my hair back into a messy bun as Grayson kept tickling me, trying to make me laugh.
There was a knock at the door.
"Pancakes!" Grayson yelled as he got up out of bed. He was still only wearing his boxers.He ran to the door and opened it. I was still sat on the bed. There was a man at the door. He looked at Grayson and then his gaze shot past him, landing on me.
He pushed his way into the hotel room and shut the door, grabbing hold of Grayson and putting a knife at his throat.
I was on my feet instantly.
"Not so fast" He said as I was about to approach them. I took another step towards them and he cut Grayson. A drip of blood fell from Grayson's neck.I remembered the gun that I had hidden underneath the bed for emergencies.
"Grayson, Im sorry!" I said as I grabbed the gun from under the bed.
I shot through Grayson's shoulder and into the mans.He immediately released his grip on Grayson as they both fell to the floor.
I grabbed a vase and hit the man over the head with it, knocking him out instantly."Grayson!" I yelled. I helped sit him up and made him lean against the wall. I then packed our stuff, keeping a close watch on the man lead unconscious on the floor.
He started to wake up, so I hit him again. He lead completely still again.
I put all of mine and Grayson's stuff into 2 bags and helped Grayson get dressed."Look at me, Grayson. You need to stay with me okay? I'm gonna get you to James. He will take you to the hospital okay? We just need to get out of here." I said as I helped him to stand.
We were on the bottom floor of the hotel.
"Grayson, what do I do. If I don't kill him, they might find us." I said to Grayson."Megan, if you hadn't stopped him, he would have killed me. Think of it that way, it was self defence. Do it." Grayson said.
I ran to the door and placed the 'do not disturb' sign on the door and locked it. I grabbed the gun and looked away as I shot him. A tear instantly fell as soon as I had pulled the trigger.
Me and Grayson then climbed out of the window and hurried to find James.
Grayson was starting to become weaker and weaker. I was practically keeping him up. When I knew he couldn't go any further, I had an idea.
"I will be back in a minute. I'm gonna have to run and get James, Grayson. You can't keep walking." I said as I cupped his face. He just nodded and groaned in pain.
I turned and sprinted down the road.
"James! James! Grayson was shot! We need to get him to the hospital! James! James?" I said as I searched for him.I made it into James' office and what I saw made me fall to my knees.
There James was.
Sat in his chair.
A bullet through his head.
He was dead.
James was dead.I stuffed every single weapon that was in the office into a bag and ran back to Grayson.
I was numb.
All my emotions were gone.
Another life was taken because of me.
They killed James because of me.I ran to Grayson.
"Where's James?" He asked in pain.
That's when I lost it.I screamed. I pulled at my hair. I dropped to the floor and kept hitting it repeatedly. Grayson was trying to get up and and get to me.
I stood up and ran to Grayson, lifting him up. I put one bag on his back and I held the others.
I walked him to the road and I ran in front of a car.
"Help! Please help us! My friend has been shot in his shoulder! Please can you help us get to the hospital!" I pleaded to the woman sat in the drivers seat. She nodded and got out of her car and opened the back door.I helped Grayson into the car. Me and him sat in the back as the woman drove us to the hospital.
I had cupped Grayson's face in my hands as I was telling him to breath.
He was panting as the pain was getting too much for him.Finally, after what felt like hours but really was only 10 minutes, we pulled up outside of a hospital.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said as I helped Grayson out of the car. I still had the bag of weapons on my back. I hope nobody checks it.
Me and Grayson made it into the hospital and he was immediately dragged away from me. They took him to a room where they patched him up. He was then sent into his own room where he lead in a bed.
I walked up to his room and knocked on the door. I opened the door and walked inside. I just sat on the chair by the window. My face was blank. My whole body showed no emotion.
"They killed him" I said after I had sat down.
"W-what?" Grayson choked out as his eyes went wide.I just looked at him. My face still showed nothing. I was numb. I was empty. I was Cold.