*In process of editing*
Megan's POV
I walked away from Grayson. He stayed stood where he had kissed me. I walked through the doors of the airport and looked back at him. He just smiled at me and then started walking towards the entrance.I walked and made sure that every security camera I walked past had a clear view of my face. I had pulled my hair up into a pony tail and taken Grayson's sweatshirt off.
I got my ticket and held it in my hand, making sure that it showed where I was going.
Me and Grayson had decided to go to Brazil. Don't ask why because there isn't an answer. We just chose to go there.
I had gone through security and was now boarding the plane. I was sat close to the front of the plane.
Once I was sat in my seat, I saw Grayson board too. He didn't look at me, though I know he saw me. He was sat at the back of the plane.I decided on getting some sleep because I felt so exhausted. The plane had taken off and I found myself slowly falling asleep as I leant against the window of the plane.
I was woken by a warden as she informed me that we were about to land. I took off Grayson's sweatshirt again and made sure my hair was out of my face.
Now I just had to get footage of me leaving the airport. I got my luggage, which was only one bag, and made my way out of the airport. I then got in a taxi. The taxi only took me around the corner when I asked the man to stop.
I then got out and put on Grayson's sweatshirt. I stood quite close to the airport, waiting for him to come out.
As soon as he walked out of the doors, his eyes locked with mine. I then started walking away as I knew he had seen me.
I walked down the street to a grocery store. Grayson had followed me into the store.
"I need a different one of your sweaters" I said as I took of the one I was wearing. Me and Grayson now had to sneak back into the airport, without the cameras catching us.
"I'm saying we do this alone again, Just in case." I said as Grayson handed me the sweater.
I took my hair out of my ponytail and covered my face. The sweatshirt had a hood, so I pulled it over my head.
"Okay. Just be careful, there were cameras everywhere" Grayson said as he hugged me.
"I will. Now go." I said as I pointed at the door. Grayson left and I made sure to wait for about 5 minutes before I followed.
I kept my head down and got my ticket. I made sure I had covered the whole ticket so that nobody could see where I was going.
After a stressful 20 minutes of trying to hide myself, I finally boarded the plane. Me and Grayson were sat closer to each other this time, he was a row in front of me.
"Hey Gray? I was thinking, what if this didn't work." I whispered.
"Then we will just have to be ready" He whispered back.I ended up falling asleep on the flight and was woken up by Grayson. We stayed closer to each other this time, but we didn't look like we traveled together.
We collected our luggage and made our way out of the airport. I still kept my head down and my face covered because if a security camera caught a glimpse of my face, they would come back.
We made it out of the airport and headed in the direction of James' studio.
"We don't have long before they find us again, Grayson. We need to sort out a plan." I said as we walked up to the broken building.
"Are you ready?" I asked Grayson. He just nodded hesitantly and we walked in.
James' body was gone. The gangs must have moved him after I had told them his body was still in here.
I opened the draw of James' desk and pulled out a big file.
"I need to find out how my father died." I said as I opened the large folder.
"I need to find out why my father sent me to James in the first place." I added. Grayson just nodded and pulled a file out of the folder.
"Name?" He asked.
I've never actually told Grayson my fathers name. I never told him my last name either."Alistair Parr." I said.
As soon as those words slipped through my lips, a tear landed on my cheek. I wiped it away immediately and started looking through the files.
Me and Grayson had gone through every single file and still found nothing.
"Ugh! What is he hiding!" I yelled as I threw one of the piles.
It hit a painting, making it fall off the wall.Behind the painting was a safe. As soon as I saw it I looked at Grayson. He nodded his head.
I walked over to the safe and examined it. There was a high security lock on it.
Nothing I couldn't crack, though. I walked to James' desk and took a pen off it. I then took out a bobby pin I had pinned in my hair.
After only five minutes, I had the safe opened.
"You need to teach me how to do that" Grayson said as he looked amazed.I bit my lip as I opened up the safe. For some reason, I was nervous. It wasn't like James to hide things.
I pulled out the files.
There it was.
On top of the pile.
The file that said Alistair Parr.I took a deep breath as I opened it. What I saw killed me inside.
There were pictures of my father being tortured. Being killed.I had to look at them. I had to know what happened.
And that's when I saw it.