*In process of editing*
Megan's POV
3 days laterI walked into James' studio with Joseph, to find Ethan in the ring with Brean. The thing that surprised me was how well Ethan was doing.
Ethan had taken Brean to the ground and won the fight! How the fuck has he learnt to do that in 3 days?
"Wow, Ethan you're a quick learner" I said as I took Joseph over to Connor.
Connor has been teaching Joseph how to fight."Okay, so here's the plan.." I said as me and the gang gathered around the ring. Joseph stayed with Connor, I didn't want him to hear this.
"Megan, that's insane!" Ethan whisper yelled, clearly scared.
"Ethan, I've done worse" I said as I looked into his eyes. He then looked down and shut his mouth."We leave tomorrow" I added.
"Megan, what about your injury?"
Reeman asked, concerned.
"I'm over it" I said.
"Megan, that's not something you can chose to be physically over" He said seriously.
"Well, then my body is just gonna have to put up with it. I have to do this" I said as I walked away, not wanting to argue."Come on Joseph! We have to go!" I yelled as I picked up his backpack.
Joe cam running up to me and we left.I decided to take him out for something to eat. He doesn't even realise what's about to happen, and I wish it didn't have to happen. But it does, and I'll do anything for Grayson.
"Okay, you ready?" I asked Ethan as I pulled his hood over his face.
"Yeah" He said as he held Josephs hand. I pulled them both into a hug and then pushed them towards the entrance of the airport.Damien and Shawn still don't know that I'm alive, and I plan to keep it that way. I covered my face with my hair and a hoodie, then started walking away from Ethan and Joseph.
I told Ethan that we have to go separately. I could tell that made him nervous because he thought that if anything happens, he will be responsible.
I'm no gonna let anything happen. Im gonna stay hot on their tail, and watch their every move to make sure they are safe.
We safely made it onto the plane and landed in New Jersey. The rest of the gang had left at different times, some have been there for a few days and some are leaving now. We all went separately to make sure nobody gets suspicious.
I had a good feeling when we had landed in New Jersey. I kept thinking positively, Grayson is going to be okay. I kept telling myself that, pushing away the bad thoughts that roamed in my mind.
I watched as Ethan and Joseph made it out of the airport safely, and followed them to a hotel.
Once we made it into the hotel, Ethan ran into my arms. This must all be getting to him.
"Ethan, it's okay. Im not gonna let anything happen to Grayson, you don't have to worry" I said honestly.
"What do you mean?" He asked as his tears fell.
"Ethan, I will be dead before anything happens to Grayson. He will be okay" I said as I cupped his face in my hands.He just nodded and hugged me tighter. Joseph was stood next to us, he grabbed my hand and just held it tightly.
"Come on" I said as I wiped away Ethan's tears with my hoodie and grabbed his hand, leading him to the hotel room as he sobbed.
Once we were inside, Ethan just laid on the bed and me and Joseph sat down on the floor, our legs crisscrossed.
"Joseph? Something is going to happen tomorrow. This man called Shawn wants to meet you. Ethan is going to take you to see him okay?" I said as the guilt literally poured out of me.
"What about Grayson?" He asked sad.
"See, by going to meet this man, Grayson is going to be okay" I said excitedly.
"When you and Ethan are with Shawn, I will go and get Grayson and make sure he is okay" I added and tried my best to force a smile.Joseph looked confused at first but then nodded his head.
"Whatever happens, listen to Ethan okay?" I said as my voice started to crack.
"Are you okay Meg?" Joseph asked.
"Yeah" I said enthusiastically.
"We are going to help Grayson" I said as a tear slipped. I wiped it away instantly so Joe didn't see it.I am such a horrible person.
Why am I doing this?
What if my plan doesn't work?
What will happen to Joseph?"Hey Joseph, would you mind if you stay with Shawn when you meet him?" I asked, trying my best not to crack.
"For how long?" He asked as his face saddened.
"I-I don't know bud" I said as I pulled him towards me as a tear fell."I'm sorry Meg. I didn't mean to make you sad. It's just, I really miss you. You keep leaving and I just want to stay with you always, but you're never there" Joseph said as he pulled away from the hug to look me in the eyes.
I just lost it.
I held Joseph close as I wept.
Ethan got up from the bed and dropped to his knees as he cried with me.The three of us sat there, holding each other. Me and Ethan crying, and Joseph looking confused.
"Did I do something wrong?" Joesph asked sad.
"No. No Joseph. You've done nothing wrong. Nothing. Remembered that, okay?" I said as I cupped his face and kissed his forehead.He just nodded and hugged me again. I looked up to Ethan. He looked exhausted. From all the training and the stress that he has been out under these past 3 days, he hasn't slept.
"I'm gonna get us some food. Ethan, try to rest up okay? And Joseph, take care of Ethan whilst I'm gone" I said as I helped Ethan to his feet and told him to lie down.
I kissed Ethan's forehead, then kissed Joseph's forehead before leaving, making sure to lock the door.