First Meeting

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Christen Press, well where should I start. I first time I met Christen Press was at a national team camp. I was late to breakfast per usual and on my way down I remembered last night Kelley saying her friend from Stanford was going to be here. So I was kind of excited to meet her because Kelley just doesn't hang out with anybody she likes people who are as free wheeling as she is. So that is what I was expecting Christen to be.

Except she wasn't.

I walked in and sat with Alex, Ashlyn, Ali, and Kelley and next to Kelley there she was the mystery girl. At first her appearance kind of shocked me she looked up from her phone when my seat scraped while pulling it out and we made eye contact for the first time.

Those green eyes captivated me. Then her smile. she broke out into a breath taking grin. It was a first time since I met Alex that a girl really caught my attention.

"You must be the Tobin Heath." She stuck out her hand for me to shake it. "Not to sound creepy or anything, but Kelley has told me a lot of stories of you two getting into some trouble."

"Yeah, that would be me." I chuckled. " and you must be Christen Press right? Honestly Kelley hasn't told me much, but I can imagine scandals she and you must have gotten into in college because Kelley here reminds me all the time that she has matured, but none of us really believe her."

The whole table erupted in laughter. That's when Kelley felt it was the right time to interject.

"Ha Ha, Tobin you can't really be judging me on maturity levels can you. You were late this morning, you want to tell the table why?"

"Ummm well the thing is there was a Harry Potter marathon on last night and so I went to bed pretty late. And thanks again roomy for the alarm. "

The whole table once again lost it.

"And for your information, Pressy here didn't participate in any of my legendary scandals. Press was always on the field practicing or she was in the library studying. " At this new information I was confused. " She used to yell at me all the time to not break rules, 'Kelley you can't ride a skateboard in the library, Kelley if you would actually do your homework you wouldn't need to copy mine, Kelley you can't just show up to class with a pillow and expect me to take notes for you'. Man, it was like I took my mom to college."

I was cracking up until I realized I did all those exact things in college too. So maybe Press and I wouldn't get along very well.

"Kelley you know that I was the only reason you actually made it through college."

"That's true Pressy that's true."Kelley agreed. 

While eating I listened in on Ashlyn and Kelley arguing about what type of surfboard is better, Alex was looking at her phone, probably texting Servando, and Press and Ali seemed like they were the best of friends, despite only meeting this morning. Ali was constantly cracking up at what Christen was saying. Christen had the cutest smile that seemed to be permanently plastered on her face. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

I joined in on their conversation and we hit it off immediately the conversation flowed between us effortlessly. She was amazing. We talked all throughout breakfast. After I told her about this one time that I pranked Kelley, she laughed so hard and her hand fell onto my bare knee an electric shock when through my body.

Just then Alex grabbed my sleeve and demanded my attention.

"Tobsssss," she whined.

"What's up Lex?"

"Tobin you aren't even looking at me," it was true I was still watching Press she started to talk to Ali now taking her hand off my knee. "Tobin Powell Heath, this is important. " Before I looked away Press and I made eye contact, she went from a huge grin to suddenly almost scared looking. I was wondering what I did wrong until Alex tugged on my sleeve.

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