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The wedding took place on the beach at the hotel. It was a small ceremony there were only, about 40 chairs out there for the guests. I knew Alex wanted a smaller ceremony and then wanted to party after. Once we sat down together it started to hit me, what was about to take place. Alex Morgan the only girl that I had ever loved was going to get married.

I shouldn't be here why was I here. Oh yeah she asked me to be and I still would do anything for her. For any of my friends really. Its fine I just need to get through this and then there will be enough distractions at the receptions. I just need to get through the ceremony.

I started to tap my foot nervously. Should I have come? Maybe I should have just called her. Maybe I should have talked to her before the ceremony. I mean she did say she loved me too. Is me being here just going to make things weird. I shouldn't have come. I was about to get up, but Lauren grabbed my leg.

"Don't you dare. You are going to be okay. She is going to be okay. You are here for your friend. She asked you to be here. Its what she wants. You can handle this I know you can." She whispered in my ear.

I looked into her eyes and knew she meant all of what she said. I can do this. I nodded my head at her. I looked over to see if anyone noticed and met some newly familiar green eyes. She looked concerned so I gave her a megawatt smile. It looked like she didn't really believe me, but the music started so she reluctantly turned away to look down the aisle.

Allie was the first to walk down the aisle. She looked great. Once she got to her spot she turned and immediately found me is the crowd. She tilted her head slightly, but enough for me to know what she was asking. I nodded my head back and gave her a reassuring smile. I was okay. I could do this. Alex also had her sisters as bridesmaids, they looked great to.

Then the music changed. And we all stood. It took everything I had to stand up and stay where I was. Cheney grabbed my hand and held onto it. I watched the ocean for a few seconds trying to calm myself down a little bit. Once I caught my breath Alex was already almost down the aisle.

She look absolutely spectacular. She was watching Servando the whole time. When she got up there, she then took the time to scan the crowd taking the time to smile at her parents and his parents. Her eyes found Ashlyn who was closet to the aisle and made her way down the line of us until she got to me. And then her smile faltered.

I knew I shouldn't have come, of course she doesn't want me here. Why would she? As soon as I was about to break eye contact with her her smile came back no it was actually bigger than it was before. Then she turned to look at the minister. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Cheney gave my hand a squeeze and we sat down. I honestly didn't pay attention to most of the ceremony. I was thinking about Alex.

Something was actually different. It felt different I didn't have the normal butterflies in my stomach when I saw her, so maybe I actually was over her. I mean of course I told Allie, Lauren and even myself these past few weeks. but it wasn't until now that I fully realized it.

I'm not in love with Alex Morgan.

It's been years since I have been able to say that. She has been a big part of my life. She was my first love, but looking up at her now it's different. Of course I will always care for Alex, she was one of my closet friends, but now that she is getting married and I am no longer in love with her, maybe we could have a healthy relationship. Maybe we could actually be the best friends we tried so hard to be before.

By the time I worked all through this, the minister was announcing that they were officially married and when they went to kiss, I stood up along side everyone else and cheered. I was crying, but it was a happy cry. I was happy for Alex she got her happy ending.

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