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As you can imagine that was one of the best camps I have had. We won both of our games and I had my girlfriend with me the whole time. Well as much as we could without looking like a couple. The last night of camp I took her out to a nice dinner. We went to a pretty fancy restaurant.

"Tobin Heath party of two."

The hostess sat is down at a table and then she went to talk to a waitress. That waitress immediately looked over at our table and came over.

"Hi how are you doing today?" She was talking directly at me.

"We are good. How are you tonight?"

"Great thank you for asking. What can I get for you to drink?"

I turned to Christen who was just staring at the waitress. "Babe what do you want to drink?" She turned towards me.

"Um do you think we should get some wine."

"Sure sounds good." I have her a smile and then without taking my eyes off Christen I told the waitress what we want and she went off to get it. She came back very fast with it and left right away.

The restaurant was lighted by mostly candles, and the soft glow that bounced of her made her look irresistible. I was just staring at her for a while until she closed up her menu.

"I think I am getting the salad."

"The salad?"

"Yeah I don't know I am in a salad kind of mood. What are you getting?"

"Ummmm I don't know yet." I said looking down at the menu for the first time all night.

"Well what are you debating between?"

"Honestly this is the first time I am looking at it."

"Tobin we have been here for 20 minutes already. What else could you have been doing?" She was laughing at me.

"Well see I got distracted because there is this really pretty girl here and I couldn't take my eyes off of her." I teased her without looking up from the menu.

I finally got my options down to two. Then I closed my menu and looked back up to Christen and her cheeks were red, she had one of her signature smirks, and she was just staring at me. She grabbed my hand from acrosses the table.

"You're a great girlfriend. "

"Hardly, this is the first real date that I have taken you on and I know I am not the best at remembering things and I know in the past I wasn't a good girlfriend." Thinking back to Shirley. I knew Christen would never physically hurt me, like Shirley but Shirley did have a point. I wasn't there for her like I should have been. Tears were filling my eyes.

"No I mean it, you're a good girlfriend. So you aren't the best at remembering things so what. So you aren't good at planning stuff out, big deal because I am good at those things. Besides that it's the little things you do that I care about. Like how you always tell me I am beautiful, or how I will just catch you smiling at me like I somehow put that smile on your face, or how you tell what you are thinking every time I ask, or how you always tell me you love me. It really means a lot to me."

"Chris, I love you for allowing me to do those things, is what makes me happy. I was never able to really express my feelings with Alex and my girlfriend in France, Shirley well we didn't have the healthiest relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"Ummm well it started off really good. She was completely different than Alex and that's what I really needed. She announced her feelings for me pretty quickly and I went along with it. She was never afraid to tell me exactly what she was thinking and feeling and after Alex you could imagine how I appreciated that.

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