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"Ma'ma I'm sorry but you are going to need to back up." I guess I subconsciously started walking towards the car. Once he got a good look at my face concern became apparent on his. "Are you okay ma'ma?"

"The girl, from the crash is she okay?" I managed to choke out between sobs.

"I'm not entirely sure I just arrived on the site."

"Do you know where they would take her?"

"Yeah the nearest hospital is about ten miles away from here."

"Can you, do you think you can take me there?"

"Umm okay." He got in his car and he let me sit in the front with him.

"Is she your family?"

"Yes she is my family." My voices cracked out. We arrived at the hospital.

"I'm sorry."

"Well it's not your fault. It's all mine." I got out of the car and made my way to the front desk.

"What can I help you with?"

"The woman who just came in from the accident can you tell me where I can find her."

"Well I know the paramedics said something about needing surgery right away, I don't really know any more details. It looks like the rest of the family is waiting in the emergency room waiting room if you would like to join them."

She pointed me in the right direction, but there was no way I was going to be joining the Press family. I stayed around the corner from the room next to the nurse stations. I figured they wouldn't give me any news about what is happening, but I might be able to over hear it.

I still had my bag with me and so I pulled out a Stanford sweatshirt that I had stolen from Christen and put it on. It still smelled like her. I slumped down to the floor and wrapped my arms around my legs slightly rocking back and forth.

Whispering to myself. It's your fault it's your fault. Until the words just stopped coming and I was just crying. I must have been there for a couple of hours at least. Foot steps were constantly going past me until a pair of shoes stopped and came closer to me.

"Tobin?"I looked up and it was Grandma Press.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Press.I know that I don't belong here. I'll just go now. Please tell her parents I'm sorry." I got up, grabbed my bag and started to walk away. Until I felt a pull on my sweatshirt.

"Come sit down with me." I followed her to a row of chairs. "Why are you apologizing?"

"It's all my fault this happened to Christen. I couldn't handle being around you guys and she was just going to leave you guys for me and I couldn't let her do that. I couldn't let her lose her family for me I am definitely not worth it. And so I made her angry so that she would stay, I told her that I didn't really love her and I left.

I guess she tried to follow me. It's all my fault." She wrapped me in her arms. Rubbing my back just like Christen did when I got upset.

"Why couldn't you handle being around us was it something we did?"

"No you guys are great. That's the problem you guys are perfect." I saw the confusion in her face and so I explained my past.

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