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Lauren was the first person to know what I was doing to myself. It was at a national team camp, Servando, Alex's boyfriend decided to surprise Alex at the hotel. We had the day off and Alex and I were going to see the city and then he showed up and so she decided to go out with him instead. I couldn't handle it I went to Alex's and I's room and I cut myself.

Some of my teammates texted me saying that they were going to go to a club nearby. They told me who was going and it seemed like the fun group of girls. And that is exactly what I needed. Fuck Alex, I mean of course I obviously didn't mean that, but I just needed to forget. So I put some bandages on my arms and got dressed. I put on some black ripped skinny jeans with my wild feminist shirt on, my favorite leather jacket to cover my arms and a snap back because I really didn't feel like doing my hair. Let's go party.

That night I had probably the most drinks I have ever had and that is definitely saying something considering what I did in college. Kelley and Pinoe were all for it. They offered me shot after shot, which I gladly took.

Occasionally I would see some of my teammates. Ashlyn and Ali were dancing together on the dance floor. They obviously had too many drinks because usually they tried to keep their relationship private, but if you saw them grinding out there on the dance floor then you would know they were together.

I saw Kelley and Christen at the bar and they were talking to some guys. Kelley was definitely flirting, but it looked like Christen just didn't want to be here. Pinoe was everywhere she was dancing with everyone drinking with everyone talking to everyone.

The night was going pretty well, especially for how my day started. It was probably because the amount of alcohol in my system.

I we went out on the dance floor, I flirted with some girls, they obviously flirted back some even wanted me to take me home. Of course I wasn't even drunk enough for that to happen, but then Alex and Serv came in.

They immediately hopped out onto the dance floor and were grinding up against each other. This really pushed me past my limit.

I picked the hottest girl that had been flirting with me before and dragged her out onto the dance floor. She immediately started to grind on me and when that wasn't enough to distract me from Alex and Serv so we started making out. I kept sneaking glances at them and once I found Alex looking back. She was pissed.

I was planning on letting the girl  take me home that night until she grabbed my wrists trying to get my attention back from looking at Alex. And damn did that hurt she grabbed me right where I had hurt myself earlier. I pushed her off of me into some dude. I was stumbling around for a while trying to figure out what I wanted to do, finally deciding to find the bathroom, when someone grabbed my upper arm. It was Cheney.

"Lauren!" I wrapped my arms around her in a big hug. I usually get really handsy when I have too much to drink. "I didn't know you were here!"

"I'm not supposed to be here." She sighed and dragged me to the bathroom.

"Then why are you here?"

"Someone texted me."

"Oh man was it Alex." Remembering back when she had her phone in her hands and the angry look in her eyes.

"No it was Kelley.Tobin do you know why you are sticky?"

"Ummmm some girl spilled her drink all over me." I slurred out. "It wasn't very nice, but she bought me a drink after. So not that bad. "

By this time we were in the bathroom she had me sitting on the sink. She got some paper towels wet and was trying to clean me off.

"Tobin this is no use. You are covered. I think we should go back to the hotel and you should just take a shower."

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