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I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night to empty bed. Just like Alex. I started crying my eyes out. How could she do this to me? I thought she was different. Then I heard something in the bathroom.

"Christen?" I croaked out. She immediately popped her head out the door at the sound of my voice. When she saw my face with the tears streaming down she immediately came over and wrapped me in her arms.

"What is it sweetie? What happened?"

"You left."

"Oh Tobin I was just getting some water."

"I thought you left just like Alex."

"What do you mean?"

"Every time we would hook up she would never stay. She would leave in the middle of the night and not come back for days at a time. It would break my heart every time." She let me cry it out with her arms wrapped around me until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke with her on my chest again. This time it was different though she was mine and I was hers finally. I felt like everything was going to be okay now. I got a girl who knows about all my problems and she she loves me in spite of that. I was happy to just stay right here for the rest of my life with the girl I love laying naked on my chest with me just stroking her gorgeous hair.

Her alarm went off and she slowly stirred in my arms I unwrapped my arms and reached over and shut off the alarm. She pulled me back to her but this time we were face to face. She was smiling ear to ear and I couldn't help but reciprocate.

"Good morning gorgeous."

"Good morning." She yawned and then pulled me in for kiss. I sighed into her.

"So what now?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well first would you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes of course I will you dork." I kissed her again.

"Do you think that we should tell the team?" At this question I paused.

"I don't know about the whole team, but I need to tell Allie and Lauren at least. You can tell who you want, but I like to keep my life more private."

"I will probably just tell Kelley and JJ if you are okay with them knowing?"

"Yeah they are cool. Can I ask you a question though"

"Of course you can silly" she poked my nose. "You can ask me anything."

I smiled, "Have you and Kelley ever been together romantically?"

"Ummmm we kissed one time in college, when we were both way to drunk. Why?"

"I don't know I guess you guys are always touchy with each other. I know I don't have a right to be jealous or anything. I mean I used to be in love with Alex, but that has been bugging me since you said you never dated her."

"No Kelley and I have never been romantic towards each other, but she is my best friend and we have always been touchy towards each other because it used to be hard for us to comfort each other with our words so we always relied on actions."

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