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I woke up in the middle of the night a little disoriented. There was a weight on my chest. Looking down I saw a mess of curly dark hair. Smiling at my postion I tightened my hold and went back to sleep.

The next time I woke up, I was facing Christen she was still asleep, I took this opportunity to real study her face. Her skin was a gorgeous shade, her eye lashes just seemed to keep going, her cheekbones. She looked more peaceful now than I have ever seen her. She had some hair covering her face and as slowly and as gracefully as possible I brushed her hair back. Sighing. God did I like her.

And then I found her lips, oh her lips they were so full and right now they were irrestible. They were slightly parted and her breath was hitting me in the face. Oh I wanted to kiss her more than I have wanted anything.

Her perfect eyelashes started to flutter and then I was met with her deep green eyes. She blinked a few more times before coming around, when she did she smiled up at me.

Neither of us said a word. We didn't talk about what happened the night before and we didn't talk about how right now her hand was resting on my bare stomach and how my arms was resting on her hip. We just looked at each other. I licked my lips and she took a deep breath closing her eyes.

When she opened them she was no longer looking at my eyes but down at my lips. I stopped thinking. I leaned in and I felt Christen move in closer too.

Our bodies now up against each other. Then I felt Christen's lips graze mine. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. We kept it soft and gentle until I leaned in even more wanting more.

I rolled my tongue over her lower lip and she quickly granted me access. I pulled her in even closer if that was possibly. I felt my hand move down and and graze her butt. Damn did Christen have a nice butt.

That's when I was fully aware of what I was doing. Fuck. What the fuck was I doing? This is Christen, Kelley's Christen. I froze at this realization. Christen noticed and drew back immediately.

Her eyes shot open. There was now the full length of the bed between us. We both were now sitting up on the bed. I was overwhelmed, what the hell did I just do. I got out of the bed and started to pace back and forth in front of the bed.

I just kissed my friend's girlfriend. She was just staring back at me she seemed angry. I mean of course she did I just kissed her and she has a girlfriend. I just messed us up again this has to be the last straw for her. How many times can I fuck this up. She is never going to talk to me again.

"Shit Tobin, what just happened. It shouldn't have happened. That shouldn't have happened." She started freaking out. Just as I recovered and tried to apologize she started talking again. "Tobin, do you think  that, can we, can we pretend like this never happened?" She finally managed to get out. Worry was written across her face. Of course worry was written across her face she had a girlfriend and I kissed her and of course she blamed herself. I nodded my head.

"Thanks Tobin. Ummm I am going to get dressed now." She quickly grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. Taking advantage of this, I quickly put on some sweats and a sweatshirt and the hotel key card and headed out of the room. Not wanting to bump into to anyone I headed to the roof.

Opening the door, there was a few chairs up here but no one else was here. Looking out I realized I had no clue what time it was. It looked like the sun was just coming up. I couldn't check because well I threw my phone at a door. I sat and watched the sun rise.

Quietly crying to myself. How could you be so stupid Tobin. There was Christen being a great friend again. She just forgave you for being an idiot and you go and do something stupid. Why do you always have to ruin things.

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