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"We will continue this later, you hear me." She said sternly.

"I promise." She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed. She went to her suitcase and started pulling out her training gear. I did the same and we headed to the bus in silence.

She went in first and immediately went to sit with Kelley who is her bus buddy. At this thought I froze in my tracks. Alex has always been my bus buddy, can I still sit by her? Should I sit by her?  Apparently it didn't even matter because all the seats were taken except the one next to Alex. Sighing I went to sit down next to her.

"Hey Alex. How was your...." She had headphones on and couldn't hear anything I was saying anyway. I pulled my hood up put my own headphones in. Pulling my feet up so my knees were up to my chest and I rested my forehead on them. Just trying to understand all that has happened in the last few days.

I broke up with Mel, Christen and I kissed. She admitted her feelings to me and I admitted my feelings to her. I really did like her love her even. She was a great girl, probably one of the best people I have ever met. How is she going to respond when I tell her about how I used to just use girls, how I used to be a drunk, and how I used to harm myself. What if she doesn't want to be with me anymore.

I was silently crying at this point and then I felt a hand on my back. Looking up I turned towards Alex. She was worried about me, she pulled my headphones off and and wiped the tears off my face. She then pulled me into a hug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She whispered into my ear.


"Are you sure?"

"No." She chuckled.

"Are you worried about something?"


"Is it a person?"


"Why are you worried?"

"I really care about this person and I am worried that when I tell them something about myself than they won't want to be with me." She pulled away from our hug to study my face.

"Tobin Heath, I was in love with you at one point in our lives. You were my best friend. We never really talked about it, but I saw you struggle from time to time and I regret how much of that was my fault. I caused you so much pain. I was selfish. But you always stuck around. You loved me no matter what.

You are great Tobin Heath and if this person doesn't see that then they are the one missing out. Okay?" I shook my head yes. She pulled me into another hug. After a few minutes I was okay.

"I missed you Lex. You really are on of my bestfriends. I love you."

"Love you too Toby."

We made our way off of the bus. Alex had her arm around me, while we talked about how her honey moon was. We made it to the field and put our gear on. Filled with a little more energy now I was ready to play some soccer. The only thing that could really take my mind off of having to tell Christen was soccer.

I threw myself into drills ready to show coach everything that I have learned in France. I was having a great time being with my national teammates again. After practice in the locker room, I took a quick shower. While going back to my locker I found my bra and underwear and all of my clothes were gone. Looking around the room, I noticed Alex and Kelley whispering and giggling and they kept glancing over at me.

"Alex Morgan! Kelley O'Hara! Where the fuck are my clothes?" I asked them. Everyone in the locker room was cracking up. I started satlking towards them."Someone is going to pay."

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