The End

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It has been a year now since Christen and I got back together. We started off kind of slow, which was pretty hard for me, since I knew Christen, but Christen had to get to know me all over again. She went back to Chicago for a few weeks, we would text each other all the time and we would talk on the phone every night. The more we talked and the more I told her about us, the more she starting to remember stuff here and there.

After a few months, the NWSL season was going to get started. A month before our first game, Christen showed up to a Thorns practice in uniform. She had asked to be traded to Portland, without even telling me and we having been living together since.

We couldn't be better, I took her to all the places that we went before, the resturants, the park, and the mountains. When I took her to the mountains I gave her back the braclet again. It was the happiest I have ever been.

Allie's wedding is coming up. She is having it in Florida, Alex and I are both the maids of honor, although Alex has done all the planning stuff. Allie told me that all I have to do is show up to everything on time and she will be happy with me. Christen took it upon her self to make sure that I was, she gave me a whole schedule that I was to follow. It's color coded and adorable.

The morning of I had to get ready with the other bridesmaids and Allie, and Christen was going to get ready with Ali, Ashlyn, and Kelley. The whole day was kind of a blur, it went so fast. A couple memories stuck with me though. One was right before Allie walked down the asile.

The other few bridesmaids were already making their way down the aisle. It was Alex's turn and then it would be my turn. I turned back to see Allie, she looked absoultely stunning in her dress.

"Allie, you look fantastic."

"Thanks Tobin." She was looking at the flowers in her hands, seeming kind of nervous.

"Allie, you are wonderful person and you are going to be a great wife and mother when it comes to it. I am very proud of you and I know your parents are looking down at you right now and they are very proud of you." She teared up a little at this, but now a huge smile was plastered on her face.

"Thanks, Harry. You missed your cue though." She pointed behind me.

I chuckled, "and I was on time to every thing else." I turned and started walking down the aisle hearing laughing behind me.

The next moment that really stuck out to me, was when Allie and Bati were saying their vows to each other. They were telling  how much they love each other, and I snuck a quick peek at Christen.

She was sitting towards the end of one aisle, everyone else was turned so they were facing the bride and the groom, but Christen was turned towards me. She was staring at me, and I had feeling that she had been doing that the whole time. When we made eye contact, her lips turned up into a beautiful smile. I couldn't help but return in, I mouth I love you to her and she mouth it back and at that moment I was content.

The next moment was the one that really made something clear to me. It was at the recpetion and we had already eaten, drank and danced. It was the last dance, it was a slow song, can't help falling in love with you,and all the couple who were still here were out on the dance floor.

Christen found me in the crowd and wrapped her arms around me, and I recipricated. Some time during the dance, I realized that it was the same song that I got Christen to dance with me to at Alex's wedding. I started chuckling to myself.

"What's so funny?"

"We have danced to this song before."


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