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I rolled over in my bed and I sighed there was someone in it with me. Usually they leave in the middle of the night, or more accurately I leave them. I try not to bring them back to my place, mostly because Allie defiantly didn't approve. I mean she has never told me that, but I see the way she looks at me. I can tell she is a little disappointed but I guess she doesn't say anything because she would rather see me do this than hurt myself.

I guess I was too messed up last night to even get this chick to go back to her place . All I see was this mess of dark hair I sighed. Oh yeah it was that girl Kasey, I met her a few nights ago and called her last night. She was okay, she never tried to push me to get to know her or for her to get to know me and we actually had a pretty good time together.

I turned back over to grab my phone. Damn it was 10:45 and I really had to pee. I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Once I went I threw my hair in a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I checked what I threw on was covering everything when I was left my room. I had on a sports bra on and some loose fitting sweat pants. Good enough to go make some coffee and food.

I walked into the kitchen and there was already coffee made, so Allie must be up already, but I didn't see her when I walked by her room and she wan't in the living room. Maybe she went on a morning run or something. Whatever.

I looked around in the fridge for something to eat. I turned on some blaring music, I was dancing around the kitchen making some toast and eggs. I was watching my eggs cook and sipping my coffee, when all of the sudden I felt arms go around me.

"Good morning babe" I greeted Kasey.

"Babe?" That definitely was not the voice I was expecting. But it definitely was a voice I knew.

"Alex?" I flipped around to take a look at a face I haven't seen in weeks. I greedily looked her up and down. Oh how I have missed her. "Did you just get back?"

"Yeah Allie picked me up. Let's go back for a second who did you think I was 'babe?"

"Ummm well," Just then Kasey came stumbling into the room, in only my tee shirt and some of my boxers.

"Hey Toby, do you have coffee?"

"Toby? Who the hell are you?" Alex yelled out.

"Sorry, I didn't know anyone else lived here. I'm Kasey." She stuck her hand out for Alex. Alex just ignored her and went to go help Allie with her bags.

"What the hell was that?" Kasey asked me.

"That was Alex, one of my best friends, sorry she isn't usually like that I think you just caught her by surprise plus she is probably tired from the plane ride, forget about her. Here's your coffee and I made toast and some eggs." She sat down to eat with me, but after a few attempts at some small talk with me she could see that I was distracted. Too busy thinking about Alex

"You know what I think I am going to find my clothes and just get out of here." she walked back to my room.

Allie and Alex walked back in. Allie carrying most of Alex's stuff. Alex looked into the kitchen and saw that I was alone and walked over.

"I'm sorry I reacted that way Toby. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. I immediately embraced her. I rested my face into her neck and inhaled her scent. I heard some footsteps and just assumed it was Allie. I felt Alex's arms go lower on my back to where they were practically resting on my butt.

And just a reminder I was practically half naked still so her hands went down my bare back. I was thoroughly confused. Alex has never touched me that provocatively while not being in the house alone before only when she is tipsy and wants me to hook up with her.

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