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Now Cheney and I's relationship was all about us always being there for each other. Cheney would call me everyday to ask how I am doing and to make sure that I was taking care of myself. She always made sure that I knew she was there for me, but she couldn't always be there for me because we lived in different states.

Allie and I had a very different relationship. Not that she wouldn't support me, it was just that she didn't coddle me like Chen does. Allie was the person in my life who would always tell me the truth and pushed me past my limits. She was probably the only reason I got through college. She made sure in college that I went to class and made sure I took care of myself. She was the first person to take me home after I had too much to drink. She probably saved my life more times than I can count and that was without her knowing the full truth.

She pushed me to keep playing soccer and instead of partying so much put that energy into soccer. She is one of the reasons I had one of the best techniques out there.

On the field Allie and I were always on the same page brief eye contact or a brief movement we could tell what the other was going to do. This connection was outside of soccer too. I would know when I was supposed to make an excuse when a guy was trying to hit on her by the littlest hand gesture she makes when she gets annoyed.

Allie was able to look passed my dazzling smile and see what I was truly feeling. She could tell that I had good days and bad days. She noticed that I started drinking on those bad days and helped me through it. Those types of nights didn't happen quite as often as they did before.

Allie and I never really shared to much of our past with each other, but I think what made her gravitate toward each other was we both have had pieces of us missing. I remember this one night vividly. I think it was the night that I almost broke her or she almost broke me.

It was Christmas time, and we were in Portland at that time. Alex was gone all week because she was spending time with Servando and her family. I went out drinking that night to try and forget all of the Christmas traditions I was once again missing and to try and forget what Alex was doing. I remember stumbling in the hall way of our house trying to make it back to my room.

I hear the door behind me open and then I heard a sigh.

"Tobin, what did you do? Did you drive here like that?"

"Maybe, it's none of your business. Why don't you just go back to your room and let me live how I want. "

"Tobin, I can't keep doing this I can't keep letting you do this to yourself. You could be so much more. Why do you drink? You have so much more to live for. "

"Oh really Allie, you think I have so much to live for. Like what? What do I have? Nothing compared to what I once did have. So let me do what I want. I like to drink it helps me forget and what's it matter to you anyway. I am not hurting anyone. " Her eyes in that moment were swirling. I have never see her so angry before.

"But you could Tobin, that's what I am trying to tell you I already lost too many people because of a fucking bottle. Now get your ass into your room we need to talk. "

Somehow I made it to my bed and she pulled my desk chair out and faced it towards me. I saw her struggling. So many emotions were passing across her face and then I noticed she was crying. Tears were streaking down her face.

"Tobin," her voiced cracked, "I think it's time I tell you about my parents. My dad and mom were always a strong couple. They were always holding hands and telling each other I love you. They were even better parents. They were always there for me. Two years, before I transferred to UNC I got a call that my parents were in the accident and they didn't make it. They were driving home from their weekly date night and a drunk driver hit them."
I pulled her into a hug and repeatedly said I am sorry to her.

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