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The doctors told me a few days later that I could go home. Gran said that Christen was getting better she started breathing again on her own and they recently started to have more brain activity happening. They think she could wake up soon. Allie was trying to find a hotel for us to stay at, but I didn't know if I was ready to leave the hospital. I didn't know if I was ready to be that far from Christen

"Harry," I croaked out since not using my voice in a few days.

"Oh Tobin thank god. You are talking again. I missed your voice so much. Do  you need something?" Tears were starting to fill her eyes up.

"Can I go see Christen before we leave?"

"Of course Harry." She had a smile on, thinking that this was a good thing. I put a fake smile on my face to try and convince her. We walked to Christens room together Allie carrying my bag and neither of us saying a word until we got to her room.

"Can I do this by myself?"

"Sure Harry I will be right outside."

Christen parents weren't in there but Gran was. She heard me walk in and a smile lit up her face. "Hey sweetheart. It's good to see you. "

"Hey Gran, how are you?"

"I'm great Tobin are you feeling any better?"

"I'm okay. The doctors are letting me go today and I just wanted to say goodbye to Christen do you think I can have a minute alone with her."

"Of course Tobin." She came up to me and wrapped her arms around me. Then pulled back and caresses my face. "I love you."

"Love you too Gran." She left the room. Man was I going to miss her. Tears were flowing down my face already and I haven't even talked to Christen yet. I walked over to her bed and I sat in the chair next next to her.

"I  just want to start off by saying how sorry I am Christen. This happened because of me. I'm sorry I was being stupid. I should have stayed with you. You made me whole again, for at least a little while, I need you to be okay because if you aren't okay there is no way I will ever be okay.

You know I never told you about when I was younger I would hate leaving my home and family for any periods of time. Every time I had a soccer camp or anything I would completely break down. My mom used to tell me that I shouldn't be scared, nervous, or sad because she loved me. Because my whole family loves me and if I love them back then we are always together because they will always be in my heart and that is what home is.

Once my family left I thought that I would never be home again. My friends helped me over time, but I never felt truly whole again until you told me you loved me. You are my home Christen Press.

I'm sorry I did this to you. I never deserved you.  I love you Christen more than you could ever know. I would do anything for you if you would just wake up. I promise I will never hurt myself again if you just wake up. I just need you to wake up, even if you don't want me anymore I just need you to be okay. And you promised me you would never leave me. Please keep your promise. Please just come back."

I leaned over and let my lips graze over Christens in the lightest way. Tears were coming down my face. "I'll see you soon Christen." I walked out of the room and Allie jumped up and started to follow me.

"Harry? You okay? Is Christen is she alright?"

"Fine Harry. Christen is going to be great." I could tell she was still confused but she didn't say anything. She put her arm around my shoulder and lead me out of the hospital. We made it to the car she started to drive us to the hotel which is a couple of minutes away. She grabbed my bag and hers and I followed her up go the room. The room was practically a suite. It had a kitchen and a living room area and I saw there was two bedrooms.

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