You didn't go to Stanford

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Through out the camp Christen and I were friends. Good friends, but of course that was never enough for me. I would constantly have to walk or move away from her so that I wouldn't touch her. One time I even almost tried to hold her hand when we were walking to the field for practice.

So I tired to keep as much distance between us as possible, but damn did she make it hard. I often found her as close to me as possible without any warning, but what was the hardest was one time in the locker room I was changing and I was doing everything within my power to not look at Christen. I was talking to Allie to distract me and I turned my whole front to watching her concentrating on Allie's eyes, but when Allie's eyes unfocused on me and focused on something behind me.

I turned to find Christen just flat out staring at me with her mouth was slightly open, when I turned her eyes followed me upwards and she bit her lip. God damn that girl was trying to kill me. I hurriedly threw on a shirt and left the locker room with Allie chuckling behind me.

"Its not funny Harry."

"Of course its funny Harry. She barely has even realized that she likes girls, but she never could resist your abs." My cheeks blushed furiously after that.

At the end of camp, Christen went back to Chicago and I went back to Portland. She would text me all the time asking me questions about herself. Some nights she even started to call me talking about her day, and how she would find out stuff from her past without anyone helping her.

She says she figured out that she gets this feeling sometimes when she is in a familiar place, and sometimes she gets the flashes of memories and she knows that she is on the right track. After she told me this, it honestly scared the shit out of me, what if she started having memories of me? What if she remembers that I am the one that made her get in the accident.

After that it was a few days, without hearing from Christen, and I would have texted her but I was scared about her memories. What I didn't expect was one day getting home late from training with Allie and Christen was outside our door.

"Christen? What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you."

"And so you jumped on a plane? Is everything okay?"

"I just really need to talk to you."

"Okay, lets go in."

"Hey Christen." Allie interjected.

"Hey Allie."

We all entered our apartment Allie went straight to her room with a warning look towards me.

"Umm can you hang out in here and watch tv or something, while I take a quick shower."

"Sure Tobin." I quickly went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, hopping out and heading to my room and throwing on some random sweats and a sweatshirt and headed back to the living room.

Christen was looking around the room specifically the pictures that Allie and I had on the wall. There were some of Allie, Alex and I in our Thorns uniform, there were pictures of Lauren and I and or Bati and Allie, and there was one of Christen and I.

It was us on the hike, on top of the cliff my arm was was around her shoulders and she was holding that hand and her head was thrown back in laughter. Damn I forgot about that picture. It didn't look too coupley right?

I sat down on the couch and Christen left the picture and came and sat down next to me. She was looking me up and down her eyebrows knitted and she was biting her lip.

"What did I forget a piece of clothing?" I said looking down at my outfit realizing what it was. What I thought was a red thorn sweatshirt, was actually a red Stanford sweatshirt, well shit you are on a real roll.

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