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After I sent that text to Christen it seemed like we were non stop talking for a month. We would talk about everything. About how our days went, how practice was, what we ate that day, our past. Well mostly her past she talked more about growing up and college and her time in Sweden. I mostly talked about my time in France and some of the appropriate college stories.

At first I thought we were completely different people. She talked about how her family is constantly texting her and visiting her. How they have be that way since she can remember. How her favorite place in the world is at her parents house sitting in the backyard reading a book under this big tree they have with her dogs sitting next to her.

She talked about how she needs everything planned out. She sent me pictures of her planner. It was color coded and everything was precise.

But after really getting to know her I realized how similar we are. Even though she likes to have everything planned out it's because she likes to be able to enjoy the moment and not worry about what is happening next. So she plans out everything. And I just go with the flow of things as to not worry about what is going to happen next. She does yoga every morning to clear her head. I go for a walk or a ride on my longboard. She and I would both rather stay and order food in then go out to a restaurant. Pizza was our favorite. We both took time outside of scheduled practice to make sure our technique was flawless. We actually agreed on a lot of things. She was quickly becoming one of my best friends.

Speaking of best friends Bati did ask Allie to marry him she said yes. I am going to be her maid of honor. She also got a call from Ellis inviting her to the next national camp which was in a few weeks. I like to think that she was extremely happy that I was back living in Portland with her. She was truly enjoying life right now and I couldn't be happier for her. Alex wasn't going to come back from her honeymoon until national camp. After that she is going to move to Florida with Serv, Orlando is staring a new team there.

I was excited to get back into national team soccer. It's been a while since I played for my country and I was ready to bring all that I learned from my time in France and show my new and improved playing.

And not going to lie  I was excited to see Christen again. I mean like I said before we were constantly talking but I miss seeing her. To hear her giggle, to see her huge smile, and her eyes damn did I miss her.

I decided not to tell Allie about my feelings for Christen, I mean I did try that one time but she was asleep. I just need to get over it because as far as I know she is still dating Kelley and there is no way I could break up that relationship. They are two of my best friends. It was probably just a crush any way. I think I just need to go on a date I haven't since went on a date since Shirley and that was about a month ago. 

Damn I need to go on a date. But with who? I mean I had many girls phones numbers in my phone but after France I deleted them. None of those girls I felt anything for any way.

Frustrated I decided to go for a ride on my long board and my backpack. Listening to know it all by Alessia Cara. Allie must be out with Bati I haven't seen her all day actually I don't think she even came home.

All my friends are either married or in a serious relationship. I finally am happy with myself and who I am, and I think I am ready to be there for someone. I just need to find that person. Alex says I need someone who will put me first. I just want someone who will love me.

Nothing kept my mind busy better than soccer. I was at my field on the park. I pulled off my back pack and pulled out my spare cleats, my ball and some cones. I changed into my cleats and just started juggling just to warm up. Getting into some of my usual tricks. Moving on to some dribbling work. Satisfied when I got through all my moves without hitting a cone. I allowed myself to have a water break.

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