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I miss Christen everyday. I miss the long conversations we would have about the dumbest things, I miss her smile and her laugh, I miss having her wrapped in my arms. I missed her lips, I missed everything about her. Every time I would get really depressed I would pull out my phone and look at that last text that she sent me. I love you and I would look at the necklace she gave me and that's what kept me going, I promised her that I wouldn't hurt myself ever again and I intend to keep that promise

Gran calls me every Friday and updates me on Christen. She has been living in La for the time being at her parents house. As soon as she was able to she started running again and started playing soccer. She told me she was doing exceptional well, getting right back into the rhythm of her old life. She says she struggles from time to time with practically missing 5 years of her life, but she gets through it. A few months later she was back in Chicago playing exactly how she was before the accident. Gran told me that she was planning to move to Sweden, for some time to try and regain some of her memories.

At first I thought that that was going to be really good thing for her. Thinking about all the stories she told me about her time in Sweden before and how it changed her life. She told me that that is where she really found herself so maybe she can find herself there again.

3 weeks later Gran called me clearly upset.

"Hey Gran! How are you?"

"Not the best sweetie."

"What is it Gran? Are you okay? Is Christen okay?" I was instantly worried.

"I am fine, but I am worried about Christen, Tobin."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She met HER again."

"Met who Gran?"

"Her ex, the one that broke her." My heart sunk at this news. "Christen called me a few days ago saying she met this girl a couple of weeks ago, who said she knew her before, she told Christen they were really good friends before.She told me they have been getting really close lately.  Christen still hasn't re-figured out she is gay and what if she uses her again Tobin? What if Christen falls for her all over again? What if this time Christen doesn't realize how bad she was for her?"

"I don't know what to tell you Gran. What if you just told her about the last time. Tell her about what happened."

"I tired Tobin, but she didn't believe me. I am really worried Tobin. Can I just tell her about you? She wouldn't be doing this if she knew about you."


"But Tobin..."

"No Gran, you are not going to tell her about me.Besides I think I have another plan."

"If  you are sure honey."

"I am sure give me a few days okay?"

"Okay Tobin, love you."

"Love you too Gran." I hung up the phone and quickly got on my laptop. Within a few hours I was on a plane and 16 hours later I was in Sweden. As soon as I got off the plane I pulled out my phone to see many missed calls from Allie. I called her back.

"HARRY! Where the hell are you?"

"Ummm Sweden."

"What the fuck are you doing in Sweden!"

"She needs me Allie." I whispered out. I heard her audibly sigh out on the other end.

"What happened?"

"Someone is trying to take advantage of her."

"And you had to go all the way to Sweden."

"Christen needs me Harry."

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