Back to the US

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It has been a couple of days since I got the letter. The wedding is 1 day away in California. I was currently on a plane to California. I left my apartment that night, with whatever I could fit into two of my suitcases. I left a letter on the counter for Shirley, who always comes back the next day to apologize, but she wasn't going to get the chance this time, I was done with her.

Allie was going to pick me up from the airport, I called her before my plane took off and of course she was surprised. I haven't told anyone other than Allie I was coming back to the US. I was kinda of excited to see the team again, most of which were going to be at the wedding.

The plane landed, they told us it was 11:30 pm and I hurriedly grabbed my bag. I couldn't wait to see Allie. I ran out of the terminal and looked around for a blond head. I didn't see a tall blonde anywhere. Thinking she was running a little late I started to walk toward the exit. I only got a few steps away when I was tackled and I mean tackled to the ground.


"Allie!" I flipped around so I was no longer on my stomach but on my back Allie was on top of me and I hugged her as tightly as I could. Ignoring the pain in my ribs, "I missed you sooooo much Harry, it hurt."

"I missed you to buddy." She rolled off of me and stood then pulled me up. We started walking towards the exit together.

"Hey Al, maybe next time don't tackle me though. Because that tackle really hurt like maybe you play the wrong kind of football." I joked around with her. She shoved me.

"Shut up Tobs, I just missed you is all."

Once we got in the car, she started driving to the hotel most people were staying at. Alex was going to spend the night at her parents house because it was the night before the wedding so I wasn't going to see her until she walked down the aisle tomorrow.

"Hey uh Tobin?"

"Yes Allie." Curious as to why she used my full name.

"I guess I should have told you before, but I am a bridesmaid. " She quickly looked over to gauge my reaction.

"That's great Al."

"You aren't hurt. "

"Allie like I have told you I am completely over Alex Morgan. You guys are close friends, even if I was upset, which I'm definitely not, I wouldn't make you chose between us."

"Well thanks Harry."

"For what?"

"For being a good friend." At this point we arrived at the hotel. I grabbed one of my bags and she grabbed the other and we made our way to her room. " You are going to have to share a room with me because the whole hotel has been booked for months and you just told me you were coming like less than 24 hour hours ago. " We got into an elevator and went up. "Oh and we are sharing a bed. "

"Chill. Sorry about the last minute notice, I didn't know about the wedding until recently and then I had to take care of a few things. "  The elevator opened and she lead me down the hallway.

"Take care of a few things?" She questioned me.

"Well yeah it was going to be a surprise after the wedding, but I am moving back to the states. Portland resigned me. So I hope you didn't rent out my room or anything." I joked around. Looking up to see her reaction, she wasn't there she must have stopped a few paces back. She looked completely shocked.

"You aren't joking with me are you Tobs. You really are going to stay?"

"Of course I am serious. I wouldn't joke like that. "  And then for the second time that day I landed on the ground again with a loud thump. She had tackled me again.

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