It's What We Do (Kate)

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I got the kids to sleep relatively easily. Pierce had all but fallen asleep in Lindsey's arms and Livi barely fussed at all. I must have earned some good karma earlier in the day. When I stepped back into my little living room Lindsey was just placing our takeout on the table on my balcony.

I stopped for a moment, staring at the brown envelope I'd been handed earlier that evening, not yet having the nerve to open. If I ignored it for a few more hours then maybe it wouldn't be real for a few more hours.

"Want to tell me what that's all about?"

I turned to face him, and I had to say he looked concerned. Not judgmental or nosy, but genuinely concerned. I'd always been so extremely private towards everyone and I wasn't sure what it was about Lindsey that caused me to open up so much and so very quickly, but I just found him to be easy to talk to.

I sighed, staring back at the envelope again. "My husband. Tyler. Or I guess I should say my soon to be ex husband," I motioned towards the envelope. "He wants a divorce."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He clearly didn't know what to say. My level emotions probably confused him as well.

I went on to tell him the story of our quick marriage, unexpected pregnancies and Tyler's lack of maturity over dinner. We'd been separated and he'd barely been around so I knew this was coming, but it still stung. I poured my heart out to Lindsey and he listened closely, something for which I was grateful on many levels.

When I was finished talking he placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I know it seems like a lot right now, especially with everything else on your plate, but you're going to be just fine. I can tell you're stronger than all of this. And we're here for anything you need, alright?"

He looked at me intently and I could tell he was being genuine.

"Thanks," I managed a half smile. "I appreciate that. We?"

"Stevie and I. If you need anything, just call one of us."

"Oh. Yeah, thanks." Stevie. Things were just kind of funny between us. She had this whole incredible life and even though she had been nothing but nice to me I just wasn't sure where I fit in. She's a rock star and she has this beautiful house and perfect husband and sons. It was both incredible and overwhelming to me. I didn't understand why she'd want me around.

"You should call her. I'm not sure what happened between the two of you, but I know it's breaking her hear that you're not seeing much of each other. And I understand that you probably have a lot of complex emotions towards both of us, and when you're ready I'm all ears. I didn't think this was going to be all smooth sailing, and I hope you'll come to us when you're ready to talk about it. But I'd really like for you to get to know each other- really get to know each other. I have to say she's the most incredible woman I've ever met. And you two are a lot alike, you know?"

"We are?" I couldn't see how I could possibly relate to her. I felt so inferior.

"Absolutely. You're so much like her when we were younger. She has the biggest heart, Kate, and she loves you so much. But I'm not going to force you into anything. You need to discover all of this for yourself."

We chatted for what had to be hours that night. He told me about himself, what he was like growing up, being famous, his family- or, I guess, my family. He asked about a million questions about me. I told him about my childhood and life, about Pierce and Livi. I could tell he was already very much in love with my kids. It made my heart so happy.

I showed him the small memory box I had from my childhood containing some photographs and a few trinkets. He listened intently and made it very clear that he wanted to be a very regular part of my life. And I very much wanted the same.

It was getting late so we cleared the table- we both needed to get some sleep and my kiddos would be awake before I knew it. He was already making plans for us to come over for dinner at his house in a few days. He told me that he had a pool and Pierce could go swimming, that he'd show me his studio and there was plenty of room for us to grill and catch up. He told me he'd pick up a pack and play for Livi so I didn't have to haul one over and was asking what PJ wanted to eat. Was this real? It seemed like something that'd I'd never even imagined in my wildest dreams.

I snapped back out of my thoughts, listening to Lindsey, who was still talking.

"I'll set up an appointment with my attorney for you tomorrow. I want to make sure you aren't agreeing to anything you shouldn't. I can go with you if you'd like, though I don't want to intrude. But I can sit and entertain the kids while you go over the paperwork."

"You don't have to go to all that trouble." I told him, placing our dishes into the sink, completely floored that he was even offering.

"I know I don't, but I want to make sure you're alright. We're family. That's what we do." He smiled genuinely at me and I was so grateful.

"Thanks, Dad," I blushed. "Can I call you Dad?"

He beamed at me. Like, actually grinned from ear to ear, opening his arms. "Of course you can, baby girl."

And I hugged him. We are family.

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