Wake Up Call (Her)

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I woke up the next morning wrapped in his arms. I moved slightly, never opening my eyes, and positioning myself a bit closer to his body. I felt his warm breath on my shoulder as he planted a soft kiss on me.

I'd been giving him subtle signals for days and I was beginning to wonder if he'd lost interest. I'd taken a leap coming over here the night before, but I knew it was time and I'd really put myself out there. As soon as his lips had hit mine I was completely consumed. The spark was still electric.

"Mmm, let's never leave this bed again," he whispered in my ear. His voice was still deep from sleep.

I smiled, thinking again of the prior night, lacing my fingers with his.

It took a few moments before I had complete comprehension of the sound that initially woke me- Livi. I sat up, somewhat groggy, and listened closely. She was crying ever so softly. Tying my robe around my waist I excited Lindsey's bedroom to find Pierce watching cartoons while his sister fussed lightly.

"Well, good morning, sweetheart."

He simply waved at me from where he was, giving me a sweet little smile. I could tell he wasn't a morning person.

"Where's your Mama?" I asked.

He pointed at the bathroom door and I the heard the shower running. I picked up Livi, snuggling her close. She instantly calmed and I gave her little head a kiss, brushing down her wispy baby hair.

"Kate," I knocked softly on the bathroom door.

"Yeah," she yelled.

"Just letting you know I've got the kids, take your time sweetheart."

"Let's go see your Papa." I extended my hand for Pierce who gladly joined me, hopping along with me as we returned to Lindsey's room.

"Papa!" Pierce threw his hands in the air, unable to contain his excitement. He ran over and climbed into the large hotel bed as Lindsey sat up and situated him.

"Hey, Buddy!" Lindsey greeted him excitedly. The two of them had the strongest bond. It was one of the most amazing things I'd ever seen.  "I've never seen anyone get Gigi up this early in this nice of a mood- good job." Lindsey gave Pierce a high five before smirking at me. I shot him a look, then laughed a little bit, unable to let keep a straight face and letting him know I was only kidding.

"Papa, we watch 'toons," he asked Lindsey, who gladly complied, finding the tv remote and flipping through the early morning programming. I sat down on the bed then, Livi completely content in my arms as I watched her sleep. I felt Lindsey's arm wrap around my waist and pull me a little closer, bringing my attention to him. I gave him a little smile and he kissed me. I could barely contain my happiness- my heart was so content for the first time in a long while.

I watched Pierce talk to Lindsey about his TV show of choice until Kate joined us, clearly relaxed from a long shower.

"Thanks for that," she told me. "It was nice not to be rushed." She turned her attention to Livi. "Look at you, little Miss, you're pretty content in Gigi's arms, aren't you? And how about you, buddy, ready for some breakfast?"

Pierce excitedly confirmed that he was, immediately asking Lindsey if he could have pancakes, Kate letting out a giggle. She teased us, knowing that Mama would have ordered Cheerios, but grandparents are happy to provide pancakes. We made our selections and Lindsey ordered our room service, Kate sitting down on the corner of the bed and chatting with me as Lindsey took a quick shower.

"He kept telling me you were here," she nodded towards Pierce, "but I thought he was confused or something. That he just knew we were going to see you this weekend. I didn't realize you were actually here." She laughed a little bit, her face turning a light shade of pink. I could tell she had her assumptions, none of which were unfounded, but didn't want to get into the details.

I changed the subject for her. "So what are your plans today, dear. Lindsey said you wanted to take little man to the Z-o-o."

She nodded her head. "'Maybe for just a few hours."

"Well how about this- I'll stay here with this little sleeping angel and you two go have fun. I bet you guys could use some one on one time. And then when you get back, Pierce can stay with Papa for his nap and maybe you can join me? I have a mani pedi and a hair appointment."

She beamed. "I'd love that. I would. If you're sure you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. I'll call Karen and have it set up." I ordered a car for their zoo excursion and made the necessary arrangements for Kate to join me this afternoon, also asking her to arrange for a bassinet in my dressing room and a few toys and blankets for Pierce to sleep on the couch, as well as some ear protection for both of the kids. "You are coming to the venue tonight," I asked Kate, and she nodded eagerly.

"So, umm, what's going on with, I mean, it's none of my business, but..."

I couldn't help but to let out a laugh at the mix of curiosity and mortification on her face.

"Well..." she turned bright red.

"Kate, it's okay. I'll tell tour anything you'd like to know, but not right now. We can girl talk this afternoon."

She nodded her head at me, agreeing, and changed the subject.

"I'm glad you're here, sweetheart," I told her, and she gave me a smile, sitting next to me and resting her head on my shoulder. We continued to chat idly.

I'm sure she was confused, and I did owe her some answers. And I desperately wanted to know what was going on with her as well. Our afternoon of mother daughter bonding was much needed, way overdue, and I hoped appropriately timed. But frankly I was as mixed up as she is. For lack of a better term, we'd been caught red handed. I hadn't exactly thought of the long term plans when I came over for what I intended to be a very private evening with Lindsey.

Yes, I needed to talk to Kate. But first, I needed to figure things out with Lindsey.

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