Perfectly Content (Him)

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Kate and the kids went home after a fantastic five days. We'd spent loads of time together, and it was obvious that Stevie and Kate were closer than ever. I'd finally convinced her to stay at home with the kids and let me take care of the money. I was relieved when she agreed.

It really seems like everything's just going right for me- for once. I have my sweet daughter and my precious grandkids in my life, Stevie and I are, dare I say back together, and The Dance is a hit! I'm on cloud nine.

We are off tonight, and since we can't exactly wander the streets unnoticed and pop into any restaurant for a private dinner I've been making preparations for an alternative date night.

I speak quietly to Irving, making sure all of the final touches are ready, and collect 12 dozen long stem red roses from him, returning to Stevie's hotel suite. We'd been staying together every night but I'd still had 'my own room' as to not look too suspicious. I had to admit though, I didn't really care what people thought. We were both single, consenting adults and she remained the woman I'd loved my entire life.

I let myself in, quietly closing the door behind me as I could see she was busy in her journal. I approached her, leaning gently in the door frame, clutching the lavish floral arrangement. It was a few moments before she even looked up, completely drawn into the world she was creating on the pagers.

"Lindsey!" She gasped, closing her journal and swinging her bare feet over the edge of the bed as she raced to greet me. "They're so beautiful!" She stood on her tip toes and cupped my unshaven face to give me a peck on the lips.

I sat the arrangement down where she directed me to do so and wrapped my arms around her. We're having dinner in an hour. I'll be back to pick you up, I winked.

"An hour, Lindsey? I cant be ready, I haven't even-"

I silenced her with a kiss. "You look amazing they way that you are. Tonight it's just the two of us." Her look of frustration softened and her lips curled into a small smile. "I'll be ready, handsome. See you in an hour." She pecked me goodbye on the cheek.

I wandered back to my room, looking for anything to occupy my time. As it would only take me a few moments to get ready I flipped on the TV, mindlessly channel surfing. I was becoming unnecessarily nervous so I decided to wander around the block.

I strolled through the streets, the heat finally beginning to fade from the afternoon. I wasn't looking for anything when I began, but I had the urge to buy a gift, popping into a jewelry store and selecting a small piece I knew she'd love and grabbing some simple diamond studs I hoped Kate would like.

I made my way back to the hotel, taking a quick shower and changing clothes. My hair was still wet as I was knocking on Stevie's door- right on time.

"Wow," she took my breath away as soon as she opened the door. Her easy beauty was obvious. She want over done, dressed casually with minimal make up on. "You look beautiful."

She blushed.

"Shall we," I asked, extending my hand and leading her in a comfortable silence down the long corridor to the elevator. I clicked the button for the roof.

"Lindsey, where are we going? I thought we-"

"Shh," I smiled at her, lightly squeezing her hand. 

The doors opened only a moment later, revealing my plans for the evening. The rooftop  terrace was ours for the night. A private table sat in the corner, our meals waiting under serving platters. Soft music from the playlist I'd put together this morning filled the air, the night sky just beginning to consume the sunset. We could see the whole city from up here.

She didn't say anything, instead leaning in to me, still clutching my hand, and wrapping her free arm around my bicep. I knew that was the reaction I was looking for. After all these years I had certainly learned to read her body language.

Our evening felt so domestic, so normal, but it was perfect. I listened contently as she chattered on about Kate, telling me of her plans to watch Pierce and Livi one evening a week. Dreaming of putting Olivia into ballet one day and swooning over Pierce's obvious love for music. I just watched her. I drank her in. This is, after all, the only thing I'd been waiting for through all of these years.

We were finally dating. Working on us, able to focus on Stevie and Lindsey without the multitude of external factors coming between us. Our little family was quite complete.

I was so caught up in her I never saw the storm clouds roll in. I was listening and the next thing I knew it was pouring. She grabbed my hand and we ran for cover, her infectious laugh reaching my ears above the storm. Even though our night was rained out she was still smiling. Her happiness to just be alive was contagious. I laughed a bit and found myself smiling back despite the fact that we were both soaked.

"I'm sorry," I offered.

She ran her hands up my chest, finally resting around the back of my neck as her fingertips danced through the bottom of my curls.

"Don't be," she told me softly. "Just take me back to the room, the night is still young."

I knew at that moment that I was the luckiest guy in the world. And I was about to get even luckier.

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