Part 1: Jojo's friend

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Dio's POV:

His plans were coming along quite nicely, however there was one slight obstacle.

(Y/n), a relatively pretty girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was Jonathan Joestars strongest ally, his best friend. It was starting to seem as though at every twist and turn they would find each other, no matter how hard he had tried to pry her away she had a nasty habit of coming right back.

It was infuriating! 

He picked up his pace eager to get back to the manor. His 'home'. Though he used the term extremely lightly.

 While it was a fairly quaint place, he found he would much prefer it if its current occupants were rather, absent.

His thoughts trailed back to the girl.

At first he had pegged her an easy target, after all it hadn't taken him very long to convince all of Jojo's other friends to turn on him. He had even managed to get rid of that vile pest, Erina. He felt his lips curl into an involuntary smirk. JoJo had become quite smitten with the girl. It had almost been a shame to break them apart. Almost.

It was amusing now, watching their little interactions, it seemed she couldn't even take one look at Jonathan anymore without running the other way in shame.

The other girl that plagued his thoughts however was providing much more of a challenge.

She was... rather peculiar.

It didn't seem to matter what he said or did, she still seemed to stick to JoJo's side like a bloody parasite.

For now he supposed he could ignore that and return to mulling it over later. After all he still needed to pay back the impertinent brat for injuring him when he had found out about Erina.

He began ruminating for a couple of hours before coming to a decision. He would kill the mutt to get even, then he would remove (Y/n) to win.

The next day before anyone had woken he snuck outside and made his way towards the animal. He untied the things leash and roughly shoved it into a wooden crate before carrying it over and throwing it into the furnace. 

All he had to do now was wait for Jonathan to get home so he could watch the fool drown in despair.

Now that the dog was out of the way he needed to sort out how best to deal with (Y/n). Her unpredictability and interference were continuing to hinder his plans. She was quickly becoming a nuisance and as such she needed to be dealt with.

Suddenly an idea struck him, an unoriginal one albeit but an idea no less. 

"I suppose I'll just have to try harder then... The same trick I used with Erina should suffice, I just need to catch her alone..."

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now