Part 19: Only Time Will Tell

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It's been 3 weeks since the ball and you were finally ready, it was time for you all to begin your journey.

That morning Speedwagon had spent a lot of time fussing over what you should bring and what you shouldn't, though in the end it only took half an hour for all of you to get done packing. It seemed nobody really wanted to bring a lot in fear that it'd only slow you down.

Once everyone was all ready you got into the waiting carriage and headed to your destination. Rumor has it Dio was supposedly hiding out in a small town called Windknights, so that was were you were all planning to go. You had kind of wished you had asked Dio where he was while you'd been dancing, knowing him he probably would have told you simply because he would be arrogant enough to think you wouldn't be able to get there. There wasn't a garuntee he'd be there but it was all you guys had to go on so far and anyway you had to start somewhere right? Though if this really was the way to Dio then you were certain he would have traps waiting.

You'd been traveling for a few hours before you noticed the carriage was coming upon a tunnel and you immediately looked around at your friends. It was obvious something was going to happen, it had to, this was the perfect place for an attack. As you looked around at them you noticed they all seemed strangely calm. You were a little annoyed that you were the only one worried but if you thought about it you supposed it was unlikely Dio would lower himself to attacking you guys in a place like this but yet it was still a possibility.

The carriage enters and you knew you could no longer rely on the protection of the sun, and as you start thinking about everything that could go wrong you feel yourself coming to a stop. You look out the window and see that you were only halfway through the tunnel and all you could think was 'I knew it!'. Now it seems they were somewhat worried but yet acted like it wasn't that big of a deal. Speedwagon looked at you and smiled, then he got out to check why you weren't moving, "Oi mate! Hurry it up!"

"Keep an eye out, sunlight can't protect us in here" You looked over to see Jonathan who was wearing a wary expression on his face as he warned him.

Speedwagon still didn't seem too worried as he continued to talk to the driver "Well what's wrong?" Suddenly you heard him yell in terror and you felt a chill run down your spine, something bad was about to happen you could just feel it.

You get out of the carriage only to cringe in horror at the sight of the driver, this was disturbing and immediately you knew Dio wasn't the one responsible, he wouldn't do something like this or at least not in front of you. One of the horses heads had been chopped off and stuck on the drivers, not only that but the man seemed to have strange knives sticking out all over his body and it was very clear he was dead. Well that was unfortunate, oh well there was nothing you could do for the poor guy now, might as well focus on what killed him.

Your attention was turned to Jonathan as he asked, "Is it Dio?" Then he mumbled to himself, "It has to be him."

You shook your head and confidently said "No I don't think so. I think we're going to encounter him soon but I don't think he'd strike this quickly and this" You pointed to the horse and the driver "isn't his style. Knowing him he's probably waiting for us somewhere or he's sent a minion to finish us off."

That last thought was a little upsetting, if he really had sent a minion to kill you...No he wouldn't do that, he liked you right?

Out of the corner of your eye you saw the body of the decapitated horse start to move and wriggle around.

"Listen all of you, step away from the horses." Baron Zeppeli warned and you all went to move away. You weren't sure what was going on but it was definitely weird and it was made even more so by the creepy head that popped out of the space where the horses would have been.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now