Part 20: Useless

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Zombies shot out of the ground and lunged towards you. Thankfully Jonathan, Speedwagon, and the Baron all jumped back and avoided them just in time. You watch as Jonathan looks down at the boy and asks for his name then has him climb onto his back. You hoped Jonathan could deal with the weight of both of you while fighting, you wanted to get down but it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

You look over to see Dio just watching the fighting with cold indifference though you could have sworn you'd seen his eye twitch for a moment. It was then you knew you needed to get down now, Dio obviously wasn't happy and you didn't want him to attack JoJo while he was distracted. "Jonathan, put me down!" You looked down at him your voice pleading, "Quickly! Please!" He seemed confused but then immediately understood as he briefly looked over at Dio, he hadn't taken his eyes of you three the entire time.

Unfortunately JoJo decided he'd ignore him and focus on keeping you safe for the time being. When you looked over again Dio was wearing a scowl as he seemed to have picked up on Jonathan's unfavorable response.

Oh Shit! Things were about to get real! You tried to get down yourself now, you didn't care if you got hurt but as soon as you went to move you felt JoJo's arm keep you in place and he continued fighting with one hand. You slowly moved your head back towards Dio and cringed; he was gone. Yeah this was going to be unpleasant, you wanted to run away but you were trapped and knew this wasn't going be a fight you could win. Suddenly panicking you start struggling again, "Jonathan! Jonathan! Let me down now!!"

It was to late though as you now found yourself roughly torn off of Jonathan and in the arms of someone else. Owww, you knew he wasn't happy with the situation but he could have been at least a little more gentle when grabbing you. Jonathan seemed shocked, nobody had seen Dio move but you, and even then he had been to fast for your eyes to follow. Everyone stopped for a second to watch Dio take you away, unfortunately they were all to busy to do anything about it. You did however hear Speedwagon calling out for you and you did your best to fight against the man holding you, you failed of course but at least you'd tried.

You are taken a ways away from the 'battlefield', you could still see it but only just, it also seems Dio had brought out two much stronger zombies? You assumed they were zombies at least, though you weren't sure since they looked different from the usual ones.

Finally Dio stops and puts you down but is still holding onto you with his hands keeping you in place.

You hesitantly look up, "Heh, so is this our 'fated reunion'?"

He doesn't seem amused. "What do you think you were doing?! Letting JoJo hold you like that?!" He hissed as his grip tightened. You glare, "Not like it's any of your business, but Jonthan was only doing that to protect me, there are no romantic feelings between us anymore."

Dio seems to relax but only a little, "It's very much my business (Y/n). You are mine or have you perhaps forgotten that?"

Suddenly the events of the past few hours came back in vivid detail. "You gave me up when you sent someone to kill me." You bit back harshly, you were still very upset and hurt by that.

He sighs in annoyance, "Calm down darling, I hadn't ordered him to kill you." That did little to comfort you and you turned your head away as he continued. "I had only ordered him to kill the others and bring you back with him, however I had allowed the use of force if necessary."

That was understandable, there was no way you would have gone anywhere with that freak, well at least not without putting up a serious fight. Even though it was understandable you were still pretty upset with him.

He rolled his eyes at your stubbornness before looking over to where the battle was, "Let's go, my knights should keep your friends busy while we take our leave. I swear to you that should you leave with me voluntarily I will allow your friends to live a little longer."

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now